I'm here. Why did you move?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Frank B

Well-known member
Apr 23, 2005
Calgary, Alberta
OK, I followed the link, and I'm here.  Why did everyone move?  Does this board support OLR's?  That seemed to be the major stumbling block.

Frank Billington
No OLR support here Frank, don't need it. Folks moved here to be free of ads, slow downloads, and periodic login snafus, and the ability to see more than 3 messages at a time.
Much easier to read the messages here even without the OLR.  No Adds and no AOL login problems.  Hope you like it as well as we do.
Glad you found us.

I'm not for or against the move.  Just curious, so please don't take the following questions the wrong way.

>No OLR support here Frank, don't need it. Folks moved here to be free of ads, slow downloads, and periodic login snafus, and the ability to see more than 3 messages at a time.<

I see a lot of ads on the homepage.

Lack of OLR support was the great hue and cry, and now you say you don't need it?

CompuServe has promised threading on their new web view (which is far inferior to the previous web view), and now you are moving to a forum that has no threading?

I dunno.  What did you really gain?  I still think that this very mobile community would have been better served by a moderated newsgroup.  OLR support, zero ads, rapid text-only messaging for those using a modem.  No file areas, however.

Just seems strange to go from one bad web-view to another one.

In any case, I'll continue to visit from time to time.  I'm not a frequent contributor, but I value the resource.

Frank B said:
I see a lot of ads on the homepage.

There are zero ads on any of the message boards here Frank. There are a total of 4 Google-served ads on the web site and, once you bookmark the message boards, you never have to see them again. Where do you see "a lot of ads"?

As explained in my earlier response, one of the biggest gains we made by coming here was speed. There's just no comparison - this forum wins hands down..

I suggest you spend some time with this software before critiquing it. You might even find you like it, as most of us here do. Check out the poll results and you'll see how others feel.
I never saw the value in the thread view on CS.? And the not-so-new software still doesn't have it anyway.? I can come here, read a dozen new messages and be off to something else before I can even logon to the CS forums.? No obnoxious flashing ads, no obnoxious booming sounds, just (mostly) text, good info, and good friends.

Lest I forget, welcome to our new home, Frank  :)
I was very impressed with the CS forum software they dumped on us.  So impressed I would have dropped off about the second day had it not been the friends and framily in the RV Forum.  Seems like about every week or two AOL loggon presented a new challange just to get on.  I was extremly happy when this new home became available  I started with Compuserve before they even bought The Source while I was in Japan.  After AOL bought CS the whole thing has gone down hill IMHO.  The The last switch of the froums software was about the lowest.  No I have not the least little desire to go back.
Tom said:
No OLR support here Frank, don't need it. Folks moved here to be free of ads, slow downloads, and periodic login snafus, and the ability to see more than 3 messages at a time.


With all due respects, I truly believe that many members here would still like OLR support. Yes when I'm home at my 4GB cable internet connection, I don't need it but would still prefer it. My Yahoo Groups forums retreived by Virtual Access OLR continue to give me threading nearly as good as the original CIS forum and replies, spell check and other features make them much easier to work with. But when we are on the road retrieving by cell phone or landline, the OLR is sorely missed. Yes, this is a far superior venue compared to the CIS web based site, but you really can't say that OLR support is not needed, just not available.
I'm with Bernie, Tom.  I'm sitting here at lakeside (Strom Thurmond lake in SC) using an excellent cell phone connection (about 50 kbps actual) and still think that offline reading would be a very a valuable addition.

However, there is no doubt this forum is far superior to the CS forums in speed and ease of use.

Please read my comment in the context of the subject line and the other things that were said. There's no disagreement that an OLR option isn't available (today), but we've discussed other alternatives (there are also others we haven't yet discussed) that could make life easier on the road. My issue was with the suggestion that this place is no improvement over the prior location and the comment that we have a lot of ads  ???.

Right now, we got what we got, and it sure feels a lot better than where we came from.
Tom said:
Right now, we got what we got, and it sure feels a lot better than where we came from.

A whole lot better than where we came from.? While OLR/s were nice  they aren't something that I just can't do without.? I'm sure that given time they might also become available in the future.? Personnally I like what we have here.

I just couldn't believe the comment about ads.  While there are a few Google ads on rvforum.net they are not obtrusive and I don't have to deal with them while reading the Forum messages. 

Maybe I do miss the thump thump thump from the Ditech ad. ;D ;D ;D  No No No just kidding about missing the Ditech ad. ;D
Tom said:

Please read my comment in the context of the subject line and the other things that were said. There's no disagreement that an OLR option isn't available (today), but we've discussed other alternatives (there are also others we haven't yet discussed) that could make life easier on the road. My issue was with the suggestion that this place is no improvement over the prior location and the comment that we have a lot of ads  ???.

Right now, we got what we got, and it sure feels a lot better than where we came from.


I agree with everything you say except that you made a specific statement to which I replied:
"No OLR support here Frank, don't need it."  IMHO, we do need it, admittedly we can't have it here right now.
Ron said:
Tom said:

Right now, we got what we got, and it sure feels a lot better than where we came from.

A whole lot better than where we came from.  While OLR/s were nice it they aren't something that I just can't do without.  I'm sure that given time they might also become available in the future.  Personnally I like what we have here.


It is interesting that all of the OLR negative responses on this topic have come from owners of satellite dishes, the OLR positive responses from those satellite deprived;D But the non-satellite owners on this forum far outnumber the owners. Yes, if I had a full time broadband connection, I wouldn't be overly concerned either, but I don't usually have one available when I travel.
It is interesting that all of the OLR negative responses on this topic have come from owners of satellite dishes, the OLR positive responses from those satellite deprived;D But the non-satellite owners on this forum far outnumber the owners. Yes, if I had a full time broadband connection, I wouldn't be overly concerned either, but I don't usually have one available when I travel.

I wouldn't consider my comments about OLR/s negative.  I just indicated while they are nice to have I can get along without.  In comparrision with what we had at the other place this is great with or without OLR/s.  Yes they would be nice and like I said given time they will most likely become available in the future.  The main thing is we are able to communicate with the framily without the ads, loggon problems and all the other negatives the old place had to offer.
I didn't intend my comment to sound "negative" either Bernie. Sorry to hear you interpreted it that way. And BTW I've used my t-mobile air card (slower than most folks' cell phones) for most of my online time while travelling, and have found it to be adequate for reading/replying here. I even use it at home on occasions, alongside my 5MB/s cable connection, just for comparison and to check out things that folks say..
I have a tripod sat. but OLR would be nice when travelling or when I don't have time to sit at the computer for long periods. That being said, and if I'm not totally wrong, an OLR does nothing for posting replies. Wouldn't you still have to compose your reply using something like Notepad or Word, then get online, navigate to the message, then copy and paste? I'm not talking about a single reply, but what if you want to submit multiples? IMHO a nice feature but no panacea.   
OLR = OffLine Reader  A program that downloads messages from a forum or bulletin board for reading while not connected to the internet and allows writing replies for later uploading.  In our previous venue there were several OLRs available but those were rendered inoperative when the software was changed to an online view only.
Tom said:
I didn't intend my comment to sound "negative" either Bernie. Sorry to hear you interpreted it that way.

Sorry about the "negative", I was searching for an appropriate word and that was the best I could come up with at the time. Maybe dismissive might be better. In any case, IHMO, the ultimate reimplementation of OLR support, if possible, would be welcomed by a large number of Forum members.

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