I'm new, but here goes! First big trip, ARIZONA?

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VanIsle Gal

Sep 13, 2005
Vancouver Island
:D September 13/05
Hi out there!? I'm new to this, so here goes.? I tend to get long-winded.? Please read on anyways!

My husband and I live on Vancouver Island.? He is retired, an ex-policeman.? He still works every other week and time off is flexible...........so we want to travel south in October.

We have 2 grown children (we survived!? :eek:), 3 grandchildren, and are origionally from Manitoba (but have lived in British Columbia all of Jim's career.? We are gardeners (our hobby I guess), readers, birders, and love nature.? We are Christians.? I am on a quest of finding a wine that won't give me a headache (know of any organic wines that might help????).? Jim's a go-getter, and I'm a slow-goer (that's figures,eh!).

We bought an old '90 Silverado last year and it came with an Adventurer camper.? We did weekend trips here on the island mixed in with lake fishing and found that camping is okay (fish on the line helps)......after many years away from it.? A camper sure beats the old tent trailer we had in the days of wee kids.
I don't know if I should post a new message for help, or just ask for it here.? Oh well, here goes.

We want to head to ARIZONA at the beginning of October.? We have 5 weeks to get there & back.? But we know there is concern about some passes in the states, I wonder when they get snow?

Is there anyone out there who can steer me to anything on ARIZONA, any articles on this forum somewhere,
places to go, things that are an absolute must,
things to be wary of,
health food stores,
places to stay (& costs) (we are trying to go on a budget..............well, just being money-wise),
food, weather,
did I mention "shopping",
any such thing as sand storms down there??
flea markets, clothing needed, etc. etc. etc.

We have seen the Grand Canyon years ago when we dipped down into Arizona and out again to Nevada (that's all we saw of Arizona).? WE will also probably get into a bit of California.

I cannot spend too much time on the computer searching as I the old neck starts putting up a fight......it's a pain in the neck? ;) ........so I'd appreciate input from anyone to help me.

Jim tends to get wet feet (I hope he doesn't cancel this trip) and is concerned about the long drive with an old truck, etc.? We will get the truck checked out................And I thought if I could dig up a lot of information on ARIZONA? and getting there, that might help.? He is a homebody.? If this trip is successful and we enjoy the time away, then we'll have to look at another truck (every man's dream!).?

I look forward to hearing from you. Hope you can help me!
jan[/color]? ;D?
(I'm going to pay for being on this computer so long.............off to massage & my chiropractor?? An aspirin or two?)

I can't give you guidance on RV parks to stay at in AZ yet as we are new to this too.  But I can tell you some neat places to go in AZ.  At the top of the list are Monument Valley, Canyon de Chelly, Sedona, Jerome since you already have been to the Grand Canyon.  A State Park we like that has a very nice campground is Fools Hollow Lake near Show Low, AZ.  The facilities there are very nice.  I don't know if they are open all winter.

For bargain shopping in the Phoenix area, Clothes-Vanity Fair outlet at Power Road and Baseline Road in Mesa.  Furniture & misc items- IKEA at Warner Road and I-10 in Tempe, Arizona Mills Outlet Mall at I-10 and Baseline Road in Tempe.

Also if you look at the Destinations folder in this forum, you will most likely find some RV parks that have been recommended previously.

Hi VanIsleGal,

Where do we start??? Oatman, NV, home of the free ranging burros and on the famous Rt. 66. You can tour a gold mine that is underneath Rt. 66. Tucson, home of the Pima Air Museum, along with other artistic galleries. South of Tucson is a huge copper mining facility and a Titan missile site. Tickets for the Pima Air Museum can include the Titan Missile site as well as a tour of the "bone yard" at Davis-Monthan AFB. Not far from Tucson is the Kitt Peak Observatory.  Page, AZ is at the bottom of Lake Powell. Great scenery!

If you are into off roading there are numerous trails around the Quartzsite area that are fun to drive. Yuma is close to Algodones, MX where tourists can buy all kinds of "stuff". They are great for U.S. citizens in regards to prescriptions, dental, and eye glasses. The town is a safe haven for tourists but you do have to ignore the hawkers that try to get you to enter various establishments to spend your money. :)

During the summer months there is the Grand Canyon. The South Rim is nice but the North Rim is nicer. You can reach that from Kanab, UT.

What you have listed are great places to visit. Come to think of it, you don't have enough time!!! ;D
We want to head to ARIZONA at the beginning of October.  We have 5 weeks to get there & back.  But we know there is concern about some passes in the states, I wonder when they get snow?

If you take I-5 south you need concern yourself with only two passes:  Siskyou at the California/Oregon border and the Grapevine just south of Bakersfield in California.  It is within the realm of possibility that the Siskyou could have snow, but doubtful.  The Grapevine will be clear -- it has snow no earlier than December.  You can cut over to AZ on I-10 at LA or I-8 at San Diego and be guaranteed a snow free route anytime of the year.  AZ could be pretty warm still in early October below the Mogollon Rim in Phoenix - Tucson.  The high country south of Tucson could be quite nice around Sierra Vista-Tombstone etc.  The Kaibab Plateau can get snow in October, ran out of it just ahead of a snowstorm myself one October a few years ago. 

So much to see in Arizona!

Starting with the NW corner, nearest you, is Boulder dam, Go east through Flagstaff on I40 to the red rock country of Page and Lake Powell, Monument valley up on the Utah border, canyon de Chelle, meteor crater, the painted desert. Down I17 over the Mogeon rim to Sedona at the entrence to Oak Creek canyon; mining town Jerome, perched on the mountain side over the Verde Valley. Phoenix in the center iwth shopping and museums. Past Tucson is Karchner caverns. and the giant copper mining pit at Bisbee on the Mexican border. Organ pipe nat monument also on S border has good cactus views. You must see Quartzsite and the vast boondocking areas where soon the snowbirds will flock to. And this leaves out ever so much more.[br]Date Posted: 15 September 2005, 19:34:07So much to see in Arizona!

Starting with the NW corner, nearest you, is Boulder dam, Go east through Flagstaff on I40 to the red rock country of Page and Lake Powell, Monument valley up on the Utah border, canyon de Chelle, meteor crater, the painted desert. Down I17 over the Mogeon rim to Sedona at the entrence to Oak Creek canyon; mining town Jerome, perched on the mountain side over the Verde Valley. Phoenix in the center iwth shopping and museums. Past Tucson is Karchner caverns. and the giant copper mining pit at Bisbee on the Mexican border. Organ pipe nat monument also on S border has good cactus views. You must see Quartzsite and the vast boondocking areas where soon the snowbirds will flock to. And this leaves out ever so much more.
:D? Thankyou Thankyou......to those who took the time to reply to my plea for info help for our trip to Arizona.? We have taken note of everything and are looking forward to our trip.? We may not get to see it all, but are busy looking up the areas you suggest.? WE are pleased that snow on passes will probably not exist at this time of year.

Organ pipe?? Caverns?? Hmmmm? I haven't heard of those.

I am starting to see that there is a lot to Arizona and that we really don't have enough time!
And so many campsites............we have a BCAA campbook, hopefully that will help us. ???
Now I'd like to put in my order for pleasant temperatures for the day, not too hot.?

VanIsle Gal

Glad you got the information you were seeking.  Wish you a very enjoyable and safe trip.  Please share photos and let us know where you are and how your trip is going.
You will of course enjoy your trip south to Arizona etc - everyone does.  But then you can go back to Vancouver Island, a glorious place.  We spent three successive years holidaying at Salmon Point in our motorhome, wonderful memories for us.  Enjoy every day.

Terry, La Manga, Spain
Re:? terry nathan? ? ?Don't mention anything about our island.? We want people to go south and leave our little island to us.?

But Spain sounds interesting.? You surprise me that you came here.

Hi Gal!

What an exciting adventure for you and your spouse!  My mother-in-law lives in a suburb of Phoenix, so we are frequently in Arizona.  In addition to the many lovely sites that have already been mentioned, I want to bring the Estate Sales to your attention since you obviously like to bargain hunt.  You can look in the Phoenix newspaper under Estate Sales.  There are usually a good selection to choose from, a lot of the sales being concentrated in Sun City.

There is a nice campsite location near Lake Pleasanton.  This lake has a private campsite with a nice pool, and then there is the public area.  The private area is the first you come across when driving into the area.

Have fun!


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