I'm Official - Purchased My New RV TODAY!!

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Jul 25, 2015
Boston, MA
Hi folks, I'm official  :) I purchased my first/new Class A Crossover RV today.  I'm so excited and overwhelmed at the same time, because I'm doing this solo.  I'm completely new to ALL of this, so I look forward to reading your posts but can anyone tell me what should be my first purchase for this RV? re: hoses, covers, etc?
Well... might have been good if you joined here about a year ago, to do as much research as you could BEFORE buying.  ;)  But you'll catch on eventually, one way or the other!  Congrats on the purchase.  And yeah, pick up all the necessary hoses, fittings, and basic kitchen/bathroom items that you'll need for the rig.  Keep a notepad nearby, so you can jot down other need-to-buy items as they pop up.
Do new Rv purchases not get you a fresh water hose and Dump hose? or a power plug? if not then those would be some first must haves. Box of latex gloves and tire pressure gauge.
Congratulations on your new RV!  If you can find an experienced RVer in your area, or at a campground that you can chat with, that is always helpful.  RVers love to share their experiences!  that is one of the best ways to learn and avoid mistakes that others have already made!  It's also useful to have someone that is a little more experienced walk around the RV with you and point out things that might be helpful.  If you have specific questions feel free to drop me an email!  Have fun!!
Just be careful of the amount of stuff you bring on board.  Resist the urge to get it because you might use it someday. 
Congrats & most of all enjoy.
You should have toilet paper specifically for RV/camper not regular.
Fresh water hose & do NOT use that for anything but fresh. They are white.
mike2003winnebago said:
You should have toilet paper specifically for RV/camper not regular.

That is not true. We've had several surveys here over the years and found that regular TP will breakdown just as fast if not faster than TP made for RV's. We use Charmon all the time and never had any issues.  Save your money and buy regular paper.  Take a sheet of your home TP and put it in a glass of water. Go back in a half hour or so and stir it a little and see if it falls apart. If it does, use it.
Welcome to the forum. Good starting suggestions above. Don't forget a roll of duct tape.
boatbuilder said:
Just be careful of the amount of stuff you bring on board.  Resist the urge to get it because you might use it someday.

Great advice... we are going through this decision-making with our trailer right now, as we load it.  It's different than our previous Class A motorhome, which had more underbody storage than we could use.  We carried along all sorts of extra stuff that we never needed.  I actually kinda like the minimalist approach a little more.
Ah, the first rv. :D It is pretty exciting. Camp in the yard or if that's not possible in a local campground for a few days. You will quickly find what you need and don't have such as coffee.
scottydl said:
I actually kinda like the minimalist approach a little more.

Me too... :D I am adopting the minimalist standard to my life, less junk, and more time to enjoy that which I do have.
Congratulations on your purchase. Here are some suggestions: chairs for outside, an outdoor rug to help keep dirt out of the RV, flashlights, pencil and paper (to keep a list of what you forgot), paper towels, paper plates.
Take a credit card with lots of space on it. I think we have shares in Walmart this year. :)
Most of all have fun. It will all come together. It took us 3 months to remember to buy a bottle opener. :)
Go to Sears and buy one of their canvas tool bags that zip closed. Canvas is better than plastic or metal because it will not rattle when you drive down the road.  Then you can start filling it with things like duct tape, screw drivers, a hammer, basic wrenches, etc.  And you can never have enough flashlights!!

I also recommend buying a ton of clear plastic bins to put things in so they don't roll around your cabinets.  The thing about RVs is stuff moves if you don't contain it in some way.  All of my stuff in cabinets and cupboards and even in my storage "basements" is stored in various size plastic bins.  They prevent stuff from shifting as you drive and getting wet if the seals on your basement doors don't work well, as mine don't.  Clear plastic is best because you can see what is inside. I have ones with lids and ones I can easily reach into, depending on what I need to store.

I like these in various sizes for upper cabinets where I put maps and assorted stuff I need for walking, like bug spray, maps, CDs, DVD, and all sorts of small stuff. 

You also might want to get a couple of tension curtain rods to use in your refrigerator to keep things from falling out whenever you open the door.

It will take you a few trips to decide where you want to put things so you can find them again, but I like bins because I can put supposedly like objects together. 

In any case, have fun!
Congratulations on your new coach!!! Now you can add it to your signature. This will help getting good ansers in the future.
Did you get any support equipment with the coach? Fresh water hose, sewer hose, cable to connect your tv to campground cable. I would get a water pressure regulator to protect your new coach from high water pressure at some campgrounds. You might also get a water filter to. The blue ones at Walmart work and are cheap.
You will eventually need some power cord adapters.

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