Indiana passes law that high school students can keep guns **

  • Thread starter PatrioticStabilist
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Is this nuts or what?  I don't have all the particulars yet but Indiana's governor Pence actually signed into law giving students the right
to have guns in their vehicles on school property, of course they will be locked!!  Where is this guys brain?  Already school officials in
our county are worrying.  Like they said a mad teenager just has to go out to his vehicle to get a loaded gun, at least if it were home
he might cool down before he got it.

I have to look further and see what age and the particulars, that guy is nuts.  My husband said easy way to solve it, high school students
cannot drive to school anymore and park on campus.

What do you think about this especially after hearing about another shooting yesterday?  I can hardly believe it, but coming from this guy I
guess you can believe anything about now.
Students with a hunting license were allowed to have unloaded guns in plain site in their locked cars during hunting season when I went to high school.  No one shot anyone but a few after school deer were taken down.
Yes, but times were different back then.  In our schools then or now we never heard of gangbangers and things like that, imagine some of the urban schools.  I see a slaughter taking place, I'm thankful I have no children in school, and I am glad not to be a teacher. 

With all the craziness now this is the last thing that should happen and I'm a person with a CC, but not at school.  Hotheads, quick tempers, seeing scenes of slaughter constantly in movies and TV I just do not see this ending well.

I pray I'm wrong.
I'm just old, but we had our guns in our cars in high school and went hunting when school was out.  Guns have not changed but we as a society have.  I have no answer how to correct it however.
How many school shootings have occured in Arizona this year? Past 5 years? Ever?

It's already legal to have a gun in a locked car on school grounds in Arizona. Why would this panic you? Would it help to know that the law is mainly talking about responsible adults that have a lawful right to carry a gun and at least in AZ they have taken a gun safety course, been fingerprinted, had a background check and issued a concealed carry license?

The Indiana law does include high school students, but ONLY THOSE who are members of a gun club AND ONLY if the principal has given his/her approval. Do you not trust the principals, that they will make good decisions on which students are responsible?

School teachers who are lawful carriers of weapons previously could not bring their guns to work and lock them in their cars. Is it possible that an upset student could be waiting just off campus to assault the teacher, knowing he/she would not have a weapon? Is it possible that the student was home all day from an expulsion and was angry and came back to get even with that unarmed school official?

Does society give 16 year olds the right to drive at 60, 70 or 80 mph on the freeway. Might they be mad at another driver and cause an accident? Do we need to curb responsible school teachers rights to drive on the freeway because a teenager might abuse the privledge?

Can you take 30 gallons of gasoline onto school property? Each gallon of gas has the explosive power of 14 sticks of dynamite and that pickup truck has a 36 gallon tank. Yet no one is worried about that danger.

I'm sorry that you don't believe in our rights as enumerated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I believe that until proven otherwise we are all responsible people.


We are both old.  When I was in HS here in MT we brought our guns to school with the appropriate ammunition and stored them in our lockers.  Went hunting after school before we did our paper routes or after school jobs.  No one even gave a second thought to it. 

We all knew first hand what guns could do and there were no problems

BTW, I did my first pheasant hunting the fall I was in 2nd grade near Wendell using a 410 shotgun.  Fluffed a few feathers but no birds!

Another BTW, from the time I was 8 or 9 years old I had full access to all of my father's weapons and also my own hunting bow.  I had been taught what they could do, what was the right way to use them and how to be safe around others with weapons.  I think this should be either taught in school or in outside classes to all!
Jim Godward said:
I had been taught what they could do, what was the right way to use them and how to be safe around others with weapons.  I think this should be either taught in school or in outside classes to all!
And on the other hand there is the case of a student just a few days ago who received a long suspension for having a knife in his car.  The rest of the story is the kid was training to be an EMT and had his EMT kit in the car and the knife was part of the kit.  Common sense is not so common anymore especially with these school policies that stipulate NO EXCEPTIONS.
The gun issue is kind of an interesting study in human behaviour.

When I was a child there were not a lot of restrictive gun laws like there are today,,,(Most of the more restrictive ones did not come about till Regal was president and Brady got shot). We did have one of my classmates get shot (By accident) and recover.

Today we have very restrictive gun laws and schools getting hosed down by students who "Just want to know how it feels to kill someone" (I'm actually combing a couple of things here).. The more restrictive we get, the more deaths we get.

Though it would not appear to be logical.. It really is.. The term that applies is "Backfire" (or Backlash but since this is a gun discussion).

You see, most of us, when I was a child, were taught to RESPECT guns and handle with care.. Just one slow learner in my school. Hence the accident.

What do I suggest we do:... Alas. I have no suggestions..  Out of my field of expertise. Observe I can, conclude I can not.
It's the kids that have changed...... and the guns that get blamed.

our only real choices are,..... arm everyone, or disarm everyone.

one of those choices is a lot easier than the other, but it's likely nothing will change.

I was wondering why you never heard of PTSD from the guys that landed on Omaha beach ?
My belief....RESPECT of firearms, people, life in general starts at home. No amount of laws and/or restrictions will replace this.
First, I am very much an anti-gun advocate.  That said, I wonder just how many contributors to this subject have actually read what the new Indiana law does.  Most responders are discussing the students having guns.  So far, the only reference I've seen to students being able to have guns on school grounds applies to gun club members.  All others are defined as "adults" and the basis of the law seems to be to prevent parents picking up their kids at school from being arrested if they have a lawful weapon in their vehicle.  The law does not permit all students to bring guns to school whether the guns are kept locked in their car or not.  It seems to be another leap before you look subject.
I bet that every kid that is born, is born with the same values and knowledge as we were 50, 60 or 90 years ago. The kids of today haven't changed, their parents have. The parents no longer teach the children respect and manners. The parents no longer require proper deportment. The parents no longer hold the children accountable for their actions. Children cannot raise themselves with the proper respect for others. It has to be taught.

There is plenty of blame to go around. The parents don't teach, the schools don't teach, the courts don't hold them accountable, and society as a whole is just looking to blame someone else for their childs failure to mature into a decent human being.

[quote author=SeilerBird]i thought discussing guns was not allowed on this web site.[/quote]

News to me. OTOH firearms-related discussions between polar opposites can go downhill, so we ask that folks keep the discussion civilized. Some forum members consciously refrain from such discussions in the interests of maintaining harmony.
SeilerBird said:
i thought discussing guns was not allowed on this web site. :(
this is what the "Shade Tree" is here for...

and yes the kids have now considered "Child abuse" if you spank your kids.
Jim Godward said:
When I was in HS here in MT we brought our guns to school with the appropriate ammunition and stored them in our lockers.  Went hunting after school before we did our paper routes or after school jobs.  No one even gave a second thought to it.

Me too in So Maryland.  Kept my shotgun and ammo in my locker and hunted on the way home after school.
    No Tom, it is just that most of us have learned that unless we support their position, the discussion goes downhill very quickly, so we just no longer bother.  It is one of those topics that no amount of discussion seems to alter any one else's opinion.

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