Inter-State travel quarantine entering Florida

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johnhicks said:
>  And that's why the quarantine is in place. Why should Florida accept people from "hot zones" and conversely why should anyone accept people from Florida?

Because it is called the UNITED States of America. We fought a terrible war 155 years ago to uphold that premise.
SuwanneeDave said:
Because it is called the UNITED States of America. We fought a terrible war 155 years ago to uphold that premise.

Doesn?t matter that we fought a war a century and a half ago. Folks do not need to be traveling in caravans from one state to another looking for room and board. All they are doing is spreading the virus across a large swath of the country. Stay home.
Oldgator73 said:
Doesn?t matter that we fought a war a century and a half ago. Folks do not need to be traveling in caravans from one state to another looking for room and board. All they are doing is spreading the virus across a large swath of the country. Stay home.
Because people aren't listening, this will force the hand of govt officials. Any full timer still driving around at this point is not thinking straight. Get SOMEWHERE, and stay put for a month. Give them a chance. They don't need to waste resources on caravans of people still driving across the country. The crew from NY going down to Florida is ridiculous under the circumstances.
Oldgator, judging by the Johns Hopkins tracking map, other than part of Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska and a bit of West Texas there are not many places in the US free of  community spread Covid-19 right now.  Sure nearly half the cases are in greater NYC area, but it is still everywhere, and reality is worse than the map due to delay in symptoms, testing, etc.

It has already been reported in 18 of 53 counties in North Dakota to put things in perspective, chances are by mid week that will be 40 of 53, ....

p.s. right now there are only a handful of states with less than 100 confirmed cases, and a number of those have numbers in the upper 90's, these include Nebraska, West Virginia, North Dakota, Wyoming, and South Dakota.  The lowest of which is South Dakota with 68 confirmed cases.  There are also 20 states with other 1,000 cases, with New York leading at 52,410 at the moment

p.p.s. sorry I left Alaska with its 84 confirmed cases off the list.
    Get used to it folks, virtually every Province in Canada has put mandatory 2 week quarantines in place for anyone crossing their borders, other than those who are transiting to get home.  No stops for groceries, no touristing, etc.  We are a few weeks ahead of the US on these measures, and they are seeing the spread reducing.
    A woman from northern New Brunswick drove the couple of miles to gas station in Quebec to buy some beer.  Upon her return in under an hour, guess what she was told that she had to quarantine for 2 weeks, and that if she didn't, she would be fined or jailed.  We are half way through our 2 week quarantine, and the only time I have been out of the house was yesterday to rake the yard, and last Tuesday to shovel the driveway.
    It is a PITA, but until there is a vaccine, it is the on;ly thing that seems to slow this highly contagious disease.  Keep safe, stay hunkered down, we want to keep everyone on the forum, the alternative is not very pleasant.

We are in Okeechobee Florida  and the plan is to stay put for at least a month, maybe two. We came here this past Monday after being evicted from a county park in Miami. There have been zero reported cases of covid-19 in this county. We've been in Florida since November.  We're not full timers, but we're not in a hurry to get home where we would be sitting and doing nothing,  just like here.
The thing I don't understand is why so many people are staying indoors, particularly those that could easily be outside with no other nearby people.  Maybe it makes sense for apartment dwellers in large cities, but what about all those people in rural America with half and acre or more of property around their house, where they could easily maintain a 20+ ft spacing from their neighbors, not to mention those that are on larger properties and could maintain a 200 or 2,000 ft spacing.
Isaac-1 said:
The thing I don't understand is why so many people are staying indoors, particularly those that could easily be outside with no other nearby people.  Maybe it makes sense for apartment dwellers in large cities, but what about all those people in rural America with half and acre or more of property around their house, where they could easily maintain a 20+ ft spacing from their neighbors, not to mention those that are on larger properties and could maintain a 200 or 2,000 ft spacing.

We have an acre and everybody around us has between .75-1.5 acres. I go out and work in the yard, sit on the porch, takes car rides through the countryside and stop and get a burger at a drive thru. Our son lives with us. He?s a 100% disabled Iraq war vet. He takes 10-15 mile hikes with his dog. Says he rarely sees anybody else.
I see a ton of people outside in parks. They all maintain distances from others, but I see a lot of people jogging, walking, and sooooo many people doing full workouts in public space. (Which I find so strange. I'm very conservative, modestly dressed, and I see people wearing next to nothing gym clothes out in public doing leg lifts, I could barely do something like that at home in front of my kids!)
RVMommaTo6 said:
I see a ton of people outside in parks. They all maintain distances from others, but I see a lot of people jogging, walking, and sooooo many people doing full workouts in public space. (Which I find so strange. I'm very conservative, modestly dressed, and I see people wearing next to nothing gym clothes out in public doing leg lifts, I could barely do something like that at home in front of my kids!)

I know how you feel. I don?t like to wear my wife?s underwear in public.  ;D
Well it looks like we here in Louisiana are being cut off from the rest of the world even more, not just going to Florida.  Today the Texas governor signed an order to set up check points at all highways entering Texas from Louisiana, and ordering all people not involved in commercial trade, infrastructure, etc. to quarantine for 14 days upon entering Texas.

p.s. this does not effect me much, I am nearly 20 miles from the Texas state line, but it does make me concerned about my 85 year old uncle who lives in NW Louisiana 1 miles from the Texas state line, who routinely does his local shopping in Texas.
Isaac-1 said:
The thing I don't understand is why so many people are staying indoors, particularly those that could easily be outside with no other nearby people.  Maybe it makes sense for apartment dwellers in large cities, but what about all those people in rural America with half and acre or more of property around their house, where they could easily maintain a 20+ ft spacing from their neighbors, not to mention those that are on larger properties and could maintain a 200 or 2,000 ft spacing.

It is a good point considering the very health & infectious disease professionals who called for self isolating & social distancing also say walks, hiking and biking are all not only acceptable but encouraged as long as you are able to maintain social distancing.
Isaac-1 said:
Well it looks like we here in Louisiana are being cut off from the rest of the world even more, not just going to Florida. 

Not going to Florida might not be all that bad, below picture and video taken Sunday 3/29


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SpencerPJ said:
Not going to Florida might not be all that bad, below picture and video taken Sunday 3/29

Aren't they the ones with the whole "God hates gays, the military and everybody else but us" schtick?

Karma's a b****.

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