Interior update for the Condormobile

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Tom and Margi said:
Tom made one just like that so our Lab could curl up out of the main walkway in our old non-slide Bounder.  It's surprising how it increases the feeling of space. 
You are absolutely correct Margi, it does make it feel like the living room is much larger. And for me it was a necessity. If I didn't install the step cover then I would not be able to sit far enough away from my 46" TV to enjoy it comfortably. With the step cover in place my back is against one of the side walls and the TV is against the other side wall and it is the perfect distance for viewing the TV and enjoying the surround sound system.
ArdraF said:
Tom, for what it's worth, I was walking through some department stores the other day and noticed that blue and brown colors are quite popular right now.  The mix of the two colors is not my taste, but then I like the blue!  ;)

I love blue also Ardra. However the carpet and seats are severely faded and not in a nice way so updating the interior is a must. I choose brown only because I don't think it shows the dirt as easily. I have a brown shag runner in the hallway and it never looks dirty but the blue rug in the living room looks dirty right after I shampoo the carpet.
Now Tom,
          I hope you take it easy on your campground neighbors with that drum set and the guitars.
billwild said:
Now Tom,
          I hope you take it easy on your campground neighbors with that drum set and the guitars.
The last night I was at the Santee Campground one of my neighbors came over to tell me how much he enjoyed my bass playing.

I put up with kids running around screaming, riding their bikes up and down and generally being kids. I put up with a guy leaving his diesel or motorcycle running. I put up with loud parties until after midnight. I put up with those stupid lanterns. I put up with dogs barking. RV parks are not quiet places at all. I do respect my neighbors and would never bother someone on purpose, but I am not going be dead quiet 24/7 because no one else is.
zzyzx said:
The last night I was at the Santee Campground one of my neighbors came over to tell me how much he enjoyed my bass playing.

Help me out Tom; was he serious or just being facetious?
He was as serious as a heart attack. He is a musician. I invited him in to check out my RV and he loved it. We then went over to his RV and he showed me his Stevie Ray Vaughan limited edition Stratocaster and introduced me to his wife. Then the three of us went back over to my RV to show it off to his wife. We made an evening of it.
Tom, two of our bachelor friends were discussing carpet.  The one fellow had just bought a new house and needed to replace the carpet that had pet stains.  This friend really liked blue and was going to order it.  Then his friend said, "Have you ever seen blue dirt?"  He got brown carpet!  Other than the fact that earth tones were popular when we bought our house and early motorhomes, we also liked brown to hide dirt, especially in the RVs.  But, boy did we get tired of it after about 20 years!

RIP the Condormobile. It was just towed off. I had sold it to my nephew and he passed away last month so I had to get it hauled off. I gave it away on Craigslist. A real nice looking lady is going to park it on her mother's acre and she is going to fix it up and restore it to it's former glory. It went to a very good place. I will miss the old girl, she served me well in the five years I lived in her. Got to see a lot of the country.
Tom, so sorry to hear about your nephew.  You must be devastated, I know you thought highly of him and spoke of him often.  Sending hugs.
jackiemac said:
Tom, so sorry to hear about your nephew.  You must be devastated, I know you thought highly of him and spoke of him often.  Sending hugs.
Thank you Jackie. Yes devastated is the word. He was like a son to me. He died of alcoholism. His kidney and liver shut down. Only 55 years old. So sad. He was such a great guitarist.
  Really sorry Tom, 55 is way too young but I know from some of my kinfolk that once alcohol get ahold of you it is almost impossible to get loose. I know you really thought a lot of Bill.
Larry N. said:
My condolences, Tom. It's unfortunate that we have to deal with such things.
Thank you Larry. You have to be tough to live a long life. You get to bury friends and relatives. But the alternative is even worse.

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