International RV swaps

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New member
Mar 22, 2022
New here but interested in determining whether there is much activity in the way of international RV swapping?

I'm likely very soon to have a UK based Class C Motorhome and also interested in the idea of being able to do 3 month ish trips in the US and Canada but wondered whether there is much of a market in swapping rigs, and if so should I factor it into my purchase e.g. buy a LHD RV in the UK because it would be predominantly used in Continental Europe plus familarity for N American drivers.

I can see close friends might swap but also that there are a bunch of factors involved from concerns about damage (and perhaps more pertient what about everyday stuff just breaking which it does on rigs), risks of driving on unfamilar roads (European roads and in particular towns being much tighter than the average US grid), insurance etc. However I'm also aware of the rise of peer to peer rental platforms like Turo for car rentals.

I can see that size equality might also be an issue for some. Not so many large Class As in Europe nor Dually Super Dutys etc.

On the flipside at least technology allows you to have a relationship with potential swappees ahead of any final commitment and most people who are long term RVers are probably also pretty respectful of others property.
Outdoorsy is pretty much like Turo, but for RVs. You can list your RV with them, and then find something in North America for your trip(s) across the pond.

In terms of size of the RV, I would say that you have to buy it thinking locally, as I don't think too many people would like the idea of driving a large rig around Europe! And yes, a left hand driving steering wheel would be great, especially to use the RV outside the UK.

The main issues with dealing directly with a private owner, as you mentioned, are insurance and liability. I don't think any insurance company would touch that. Too many risks and unknowns.
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Yep - no question of buying a Class A over here for my needs - while I understand that some people take them round the NC500 in Scotland etc doesn't sound like my idea of fun.

As I'm anticipating being 50/50 UK & Ireland vs Continental Europe I'm fairly neutral on LHD v RHD but if the answer was yes there is a ready pool of say US RVers really wanting to swap for a summer touring Europe that would make the effort of sourcing a LHD vehicle more worthwhile.

I've also looked at Outdoorsy a couple of times but by the time you factor in their daily insurance plus fees on top of the rates you're paying for a rental car and a moderate hotel room +dinner most places with no need to think about campsite fees. Guess it's largely an output of RVs not being cheap in the first place.
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