Interstate 10

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Feb 6, 2006
We are driving from Mesa AZ to the Florida Keys just after Christmas.  Has anyone been on I-10 lately and if so, what is the condition of the road?  We've heard it's pretty rough in Louisiana and Mississippi.  My husband is suggesting taking 20 into Alabama, 80 to Montgomery and dropping south on 231 from there.

Thanks, Lynne
We've taken I-10 after Hurricane Katrina from Slidell (east of New Orleans) to Mobile, Al.  No problem at all.

I can't speak for New Orleans westward.  (I was too scared to go there - this was a few weeks after Katrina).

We drove from Las Cruces, NM to Phoenix in October and the road was fine. Haven't been on I-10 east of El Paso for over 4 years now so I can't comment on that part.
My husband is suggesting taking 20 into Alabama, 80 to Montgomery and dropping south on 231 from there.

That is the route i would take.  I did it westbound last spring and liked it a lot better than I-10.  One suggestion, do not try and use the Flying J in Dallas.  We were traveling with another motorhome and stopped there.  The other guy did not get out of there until we were an hour west.  And once we started to move we couild not stop to wait for him.
I-10 is fine from Kerrville, TX (hr west of San Antonio) to I-8 S of PHX. As of the end of Oct.
I haven't been on I10 in quite awhile, but it was always a rough ride from central Louisianan to San Antonio. Not so much lack of maintenance as nasty seams between the concrete slabs that jar you every 20 feet or so. For a couple hundred miles...  Don't know if anything was ever done about it (I doubt it).
Gary  Every time we've made that run  Wife swears at me and says that's the last trip we'll make on it.  Nasty , just plain nasty  road.  Even ILL  and MO  roads are better than that.
Uli621 said:
We are driving from Mesa AZ to the Florida Keys just after Christmas.  Has anyone been on I-10 lately and if so, what is the condition of the road?  We've heard it's pretty rough in Louisiana and Mississippi.  My husband is suggesting taking 20 into Alabama, 80 to Montgomery and dropping south on 231 from there.

Thanks, Lynne

In Oct we drove from Houston to Punta Gorda and back.  I 10 was in good shape with the minor exception of the bridge over Escambia Bay near Pensacola.  It was very passable, it just requires a slower speed.  We drove I 10 most of the way.  From Baton Rouge to Slidell we used I 12 with no problems.  Spent a night in Gulfport.  Had drinks with a local who had some very interesting stories about the hurricanes.  Easy trip.

I drove I-10/I-12 from Gainsville to Mesa two weeks ago. About 25-30 miles is under construction in western Louisian a but other than that is is great shape. Most of Forida, Alabama, and Mississippi has been rebuit.
We picked up I 10 north of Destin,Fl. last week.  Small sections of road construction,  We took I 12 north of NO and it's in good shape also.  Worst section is east of Houston.  We went south from there to Rockport, TX.  We're heading to Kerrville, so according to Russ it should be smooth sailing from there.

I wouldn't travel north of I 40 this time of year.  And even it can get some nasty weather.

Safe Travels
RV Roamer said:
I haven't been on I10 in quite awhile, but it was always a rough ride from central Louisianan to San Antonio. Not so much lack of maintenance as nasty seams between the concrete slabs that jar you every 20 feet or so. For a couple hundred miles...  Don't know if anything was ever done about it (I doubt it).

That's what I remember from making the trip in 2001... 

thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...thumpa...  :(
Thanks all for your comments.  Alan thinks we should stick with heading out on 20 as that seems to be more favorable.    But we'll watch the weather for up-coming problems.  Good trip thus far (left 11/3) from Illinois to the west and now back all the way to the Florida Keys (2600 miles).  Long trip, but we have 9 days to do it. 
Well, I came over I-10 today from San Antonio to Mobile.  The last 10 miles in Texas are rough.  On the east side of Lake Charles in Louisiana, it is horrible for about 2- miles.  I was only driving 55 and bouncing around much more that was comfortable.  I generally try to drive about 60.  I am driving a Monaco Diplomat, a heavy coach.  Roads on the east side of Baton Rouge were also rough for about 10 miles.  In Mississippi, the roads are good.  Also in Alabama, and Florida as far as Tallahassee the road is good.

I-20 is much better than I-10, but 20 is also rough. 

I hereby second Barb's motion on San Antonio.

We stayed at a delightful park in downtown San An last year.  But it was a nightmare getting there and leaving there.  One of the WORST cities I have ever driven through.  Far worse than Chicago.
Approaching  San Antonio on I-10 from the east I cut across to I-35 to the San Marcos Outlet Mall to buy more of a particular shirt I picked up there last Spring.

I then used TX46 to bypass SAN from New Braufels to Boerne where I picked up I -10 again. It is a moderately traveled 2 lane road in good condition with lots of 4 lane passsing areas that was easy driving. We have friends I had dinner with who live north of SAN who put us on to the Texas 281 RV Park just south of the intersection of US281 and TX46. Friendly park for 23.00 night.
  We just drove on I-10 from Jacksonville, FL to San Bernadino, CA.  The portion of I-10 in Louisiana is in terrible shape.  We decide to stay on I-10 despite the fact that our GPS suggested an alternate route around New Orleans; we wanted to see N.O., so we stayed on I-10.  I don't think that the poor condition of I-10 can be blamed on Katrina.  Those sections of the road that Katrina damaged have actually been repaired fairly well.  It's the rest of I-10 in Louisiana, which, it appears, has been in disrepair for *years* that bounced us around quite a bit despite the fact that we were driving only 55mph in a very stable motorhome.
Barb said:
Came through San Antonio today.  Terrible, Just Terrible.  Avoid it like the plague.  Go around if possible.


Whever we are passing through San Antonio, and not staying for a night or two, we always use the 1604 loop. Keeps you way out of the city and it wasn't a bad drive the last time we were there.
Irv  Thats because all the $ over the years that was sent to La. for Highway and levee repairs and improvements was grafted by the politicians and nothing was left for the levees nor the highways.  Yet they blamed the government for not helping them for Katrina.  Personally I think they got too damn much.  But that's my thinking and anyone else can think what they want'

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