Introducing US...New to the forum, but not new to RVing

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2005
Eden, NC
Gil and Dianne Pickard, Reidsville, NC  (336) 342-9333
1993 Pace Arrow Vision Turbo Diesel Model 36C    8.3 Cummins 250
Allison MD 3060 World Transmission

We live due north of Greensboro, NC and just a tad south of Danville, VA near Highway 29.

Dianne shows dachshunds and is a fledgling judge.
Gil golfs.

Hello everyone!
Hi Gil & Dianne,

Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your stay. Be sure to ask any questions you might have and jump into any conversation where you feel you can contribute. Always looking for new input.

We've been through Danville several times when our son and his family lived in Chesapeake, VA. We usually picked up Rt. 58 in Martinsville but made the mistake once of picking it up off I81. I won't do that again!!! ;D That is not a place for a 36' coach and toad! Now we have a 40'.

Hi Gil & Dianne,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Looking forward to your participation here.  Please join in any of the ongoing discussions or start new discussions relating to the RVing lifestyle.  Please ask any question that may come up.  There are a couple RV Forum rallies in the East hope you have the opportunity to attend.  Check the calendar for times and dates.

Glad you found us.
Dear Jim & Ron:

Thanks so much for the warm welcome!

We are headed out to Springfield, Illinois this coming Wednesday where I (Dianne) will be judging a "Dachshunds only" show on Saturday. They call that a "Specialty." 

I am trying to figure out why diesel is so much more costly than gasoline these days. I can remember when it was 11 cents a gallon.

We have enjoyed your forum for years and finally decided to take the plunge and join!

Hi Dianne,

Glad you decided to join. I'm sure you'll have a great time especially if you can make some of the rallies we have.

There's only one word for why diesel is more expensive than gas.....GREED! We just made a trip from Decatur, IN to Nashville and the price for diesel is .50 to .60 cents higher than regular gas!!  I think it's a travesty but I can't do anything about it. :mad:
We just made a trip from Decatur, IN to Nashville and the price for diesel is .50 to .60 cents higher than regular gas!! ?I think it's a travesty but I can't do anything about it.

No problemos, just move to California where the stuff is only about a dime more expensive than regular gas. ?Of course the regular gas will 60-70? more expensive than you pay in the Midwest. ?Can't have everything, eh? ?;D

I guess it just says we are all paying way more than we should, regardless of what Europe is paying. :) Different states gouge us in different ways.
Hate to say this but Shell Oil made me a liar.  Regular has dropped to $2.85 whilst diesel seems to have moved to $3.40.  The station I am citing does a fair diesel biz being across the street from Sony Studios truck gate.

Not to worry. They do more than that to most of us. It's amazing how they keep getting away with all of this.

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