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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2005
Bend OR
Hi I'm Mike, just bought our first used motorhome last month and having fun with it. Spending lots of money getting everyting outfitted and fixed.  We have a boat and they told me it stands for Bring On Another Thousand.  I think the motor home has the boat beat by a long shot.
Hi  Mike and welcome to our friendly forum.

tyefighter said:
We have a boat and they told me it stands for Bring On Another Thousand.

Isn't that a fact! It's also said that a boat is just a hole in the water into which you pour money. My perspective is that, although boats and RVs have a number of similar systems that can break down, a boat is operating in a more sever environment and you're likely to have more trouble-free time underway in an RV. However, it might not feel that way right now and you're digging into your pocket bringing it up to par.
Hi Mike,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  We are glad you found us.  Please join in the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask any questions you might have relating to the RVing lifestyle.

Seems some RV's just like more attention than others.  Good luck on getting your motorhome fixed up the way you want it.

Hi Mike,

Welcome to the RV Forum!  What kind of motorhome did you get?  Why not post a photo of the before and when you're done with your upgrades, post an after photo.

What upgrades will you be doing?

We got a 1989 Bounder 34 foot.  I just received the new air conditioner for the front today and the Bounder is getting a new front end.  Looks like I have to put in on after work next week.  The whole family has been cleaning it up and doing little things to make it ours.  Love the forum here, I also go out to for boating stuff to learn how much I can spend on the boat.

Hi Mike,

Welcome to the forum. Yes, RVing is similar to boating since you can spend a LOT of money but one of the happiest days in my life was when I went from gallons per hour on our boat to miles per gallon on the motor home. ;D


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