
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Well-known member
May 17, 2006
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Becki and I are new to RVing.  We bought our new Jayco 5'er in March, have made one shakedown cruise and, just last week, made our Maiden Voyage to Fool Hollow State Park, Show Low, Arizona for a week of Trout fishing.  We thoroughly enjoyed the trip even if the mountain terrain made for a white knuckle trip for this newbie to towing.

Becki and I are both Retired Army and working part time to supplement our income.  We have two dogs that travel with us including a deaf Australian Shepherd who has really pleasantly surprised us with his ability to adapt to the new environment.

I look forward to learning a lot about RVing from this forum.


Welcome to the RV Forum and congratulation on the new Jayco.  Glad you found us.  Please join in on any of the ongoing discussions, ask questions, or start new discussions relating to the RV lifestyle.  Thanks for joining us.
Welcome to the RV Forum!  In what part of the Country do you plan to do most of your travel?  Will you continue maintaining a home base or are you thinking of full timing?
We live in Southern Arizona near the Mexican Border.  ???  I suspect that we will transition from more to less work, and less to more RV'ing over a period of time.  As it stands, I work as a Consultant to the SECDEF and can do some of my work on-the-road.  So our most recent foray to Fool Hollow, Show Low, AZ I also got paid for.  Becki works as a part-time Security Office for the County Court System and usually can determine her own hours.  :)

Time will determine.  ;)

Thanks to you all for your warm welcome.
Welcome to the Forum, Tate & Becky.

Jobs where you can set your own hours or combine work and travel are great, aren't they?

Enjoy your travels and keep moving the scale to weigh more on the RVing side and less on the work side !!

Jump in here with any comments or questions, it's a great group of folks with a lot of knowledge.

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