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pth1362 said:
Does my power inverter need to be left on all the time?

Welcome to the forum.
Do you have a INverter or a CONverter?  Big difference.
A INverter connects to a battery and converts 12 Volt DC to 110 Volt AC. Many people use them for powering up a residential fridge while traveling.

A CONverter converts 110 Volt AC to 12 Volt DC for all the 12 volt systems in your RV. You plug into 110 Volt AC power source on a shore line pedestal. Then the Converter converts it to 12 Volt DC, charges the battery then all the lights etc. run off the battery. The CONverter keeps the battery charged.
Welcome to the Forum!

Rene is exactly on point.  Few TT or FW come with a INVerter, but all come with a CONverter.  You should leave a CONverter powered at all times when you have 120V power from shore power or generator power.  An INVerter should be off when other sources of 120V power is available.
I have a FW with A res fridge, it is an Inverter.  I am home and have shore power.  Just not sure if I should leave it on or off when not needed.  I think when I disconnect from shore power and am traveling, I turn it on??????????
pth1362 said:
I have a FW with A res fridge, it is an Inverter.  I am home and have shore power.  Just not sure if I should leave it on or off when not needed.  I think when I disconnect from shore power and am traveling, I turn it on??????????

When we head south for the winter I turn ours on for the fridge. When we get to the CG, I shut it off and rely on shore power. No sense to have it on. Well it's not really on. I have a automatic disconnect switch. When it senses shore power, it disconnects lines from the inverter.
Thanks for the new information.  If it is connected through an ATS, then the ATS should turn it off ??  There is no reason to have it on when shore power is connected and working.
Why leave an inverter ON when on Shore power......

Many times I've been sitting here using Park Wi-Fi while watching TV and suddenly I notice the Air Conditioners shut down.. WHY.. Well I tell a BANG no power story.. There were two of them in a thread by that title. The OP's was a broken connection in his power plug.. (That was the BANG the arc when it opened)

Mine was an inattentive driver. He missed the fact the road curved left. HE did NOT miss the utility pole.. BANG. no power.

TV did not even blink as the Inverter kicked in automatically. Nor did the computer.. Internet went down that time though (Since I was using park Wi-Fi)  other times I've lost power but the park office with the router did not. (Blown fuse at top of utility pole and other issues)

Every time the inverter took over w/o a blink.

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