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Hi all,

Im looking for a few tips again.  We are currently in Provo, Utah (south of Salt Lake City).  Over the next week or so we will be heading up to Yellowstone.  Right now Im trying to plan the route and I have two option between taking the I80  into Wyoming and heading north from there.  Or going up the I15 up through Idaho and into the yellowstone from the top of Wyoming.  Does anyone have any recommendations as to which route we should take, and what there is to see or do along the way?  It would be nice to see some scenery along the way.  At the moment Im pretty clueless as to both states. 

Would appreciate some help asap as we are heading off in the morning.  Also, is Salt Lake City worth a visit?

Many thanks
Either way is ok but I would favor of routing through Teton National park to Jackson, WY then enter Yellowstone at the South entrance.  If you can after Yellowstone visit Cody East of Yellowstone and visit the Buffalo Bill Museum there.
I agree with Ron.  From what I've observed after reading your blog, your children would absolutely love the museum in Cody.  I hope you have time to include that stop.

Sorry to those who have been worrying about us.  We are home safe and well at last.  Ive had a few weeks of bed rest and just found out that the baby is doing fine.  Its nice to be home but we do miss America and the excitement of seeing new places every day. 

Thanks to all who offered advice and hospitality to us on our journey.

Hazel, Steve and kids
Glad you're ALL home safe and sound.  Come back another time.

I'm so happy to hear that you're all home safe and sound.  We enjoyed sharing your trip through your excellent blog entries.

Glad to hear that all of you are home safe and sound, also, that the baby is ok.  Most definitely enjoyed your blog about your travels here.  Keep us posted regarding the baby and what is happening in your life. 

We are so happy to hear you are doing fine. Just read your post on your blog and then found this message. I tried several times to reach you with emails but they were all returned. i think it might have something to do with my escapees address.

Margi had contacted me with her concerns and we both tried to contact you. REALLY happy to hear from you. We fondly remember your visit to Florida and hope, someday, we will see you all again.

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