Is it possible to operate a business in a membership park?

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New member
Jan 29, 2023
Santa Clarita, California
Does anyone know if a business such as providing health and healing opportunities is allowed in any membership parks? If so, which ones or does it depend does it depend on the individual park?
Does anyone know if a business such as providing health and healing opportunities is allowed in any membership parks? If so, which ones or does it depend does it depend on the individual park?
Welcome to the forum.
I would say that you’d have to call the park you are interested in and ask them. I think most parks frown on it maybe because of insurance liabilities and extra traffic
I'd say it would depend on the amount of traffic. Surely asking will get you a NO. A visitor or two a day, probably no worries. An hourly visitor will be suspicious, ie, drug dealing activity.
It would be fun people watching though. I would assume it would be an interesting clientele that would go to an RV park for health care. (With all due respect Charcoal, welcome to the boards)
Agree with SpencerPJ... most parks will answer No as a matter of policy. No matter what you promise, they have to realize that once you start this business anything can happen. And whatever occurs, it's all negative for them. More traffic and maybe at odd hours, more visitors parking, potential liability, complaints from other campers, maybe even phone calls to the campground office asking about the business hours & products (Yes, they really happens!). I've worked several seasons in campgrounds and visitors actually come to the office to ask where they can find the guy who makes the cute birdhouses or whatever.

If your "business" is low key enough that nobody notices you can go for it, but if you have much success you should expect to be told to "cease & desist" (or get out).
I'd add that many parks want any visitors to check in at the office and get a permit before going into the park, too, so that's another factor to consider at many places. At a lot of those parks, even those who are renting a site must have a vehicle tag.
In my RV resort park, there are several businesses by resort owners that don't require customers coming through the guarded gate. Those businesses cater to land owners in the park and include Avon, arts and crafts, and park themed items/crafts. Also, a number of owners have business services useful to other owners such, grounds cleanup, leaf removal, handy man, surveying, tree removal, and lot landscaping services. However, the board will not allow a business that has customers coming through the front gates.
All I can say is that when looking at some of these types of parks on Google maps it will sometimes show some odd and unusual business listing at individual lots.
Personally, if I were camped beside a site where someone was conducting a "business", I'd probably be extremely, extremely irritated and vocal about it. I'm there to enjoy "camping" or at best .... help the campground as a host or a volunteer to make it better. But to park beside someone that has people coming and going, people who are not there to camp???.... yes... I'd be extremely irritated and would probably pack up and leave.

In my opinion, a campground (anywhere) is not a place to conduct personal business adventures. Hobbies, yes. But not business. Work from your camper? Internet? Thats a different matter. Clientele who have no interest in camping trapping through the campground???? Nope ... must be illegal drugs related and my camper will be the next victim of a theft or vandalism. I'm out of there!

I feel the same about someone who fly political flags or hangs political or religious signage outside their trailer. I'm there to enjoy a camping experience, not be confronted or have to face everything I'm trying to escape from when I go camping and want to decompress from all the garbage happing in the world around me.
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I feel the same about someone who fly political flags or hangs political or religious signage outside their trailer. I'm there to enjoy a camping experience, not be confronted or have to face everything I'm trying to escape from when I go camping and want to decompress from all the garbage happing in the world around me.
It’s only a flag or a piece of paper. Just look the other way when you walk by it. I wouldn’t let something that minor IMHO bother me and ruin my camping. Like you said about traffic, I would be upset also.
It’s only a flag or a piece of paper. Just look the other way when you walk by it.
I wish the people flying the flag or flags WOULD just let me walk by. Some people really do believe you should stop and comment about their choice of flags.

It's pitiful.

I wish everyone would just keep their secrets to themselves.
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a business such as providing health and healing opportunities
Are you thinking of some type of medical practice or marketing something? Not sure what health and healing opportunities means.
If your "business" is low key enough that nobody notices you can go for it, but if you have much success you should expect to be told to "cease & desist" (or get out).
To add to what Gary said, many commercial parks also prohibit advertising on the RV or associated vehicles in there parks. Parks such as the Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management, or Bureau of Reclamation probably would not say anything as long as there was little traffic and no camper complaints but customers would be charged to enter those parks.
I'd add that many parks want any visitors to check in at the office
In my experience, nearly all parks do this and some will also charge an entry fee.
I am specifically looking at Thousand Trails, RPI , Nacco and Encore.
I would start by contacting Thousand Trails and any of the others that you have in mind. I can tell you that the Encore park that we stayed in a year ago did not allow businesses or signage on vehicles.
I am specifically looking at Thousand Trails, RPI , Nacco and Encore.
All those are subsidiaries of Equity Lifestyle Properties, a major recreational and mobile home property owner with strong central management and policies. I'm pretty confident of what their official answer will be (in a word, "NO"). Local park managers have little policy discretion.

The exception is RPI, which is an association where the member parks may be independently owned and operated. RPI operates an timesharing exchange system, not the parks themselves.
I wish the people flying the flag or flags WOULD just let me walk by. Some people really do believe you should stop and comment about their choice of flags.

It's pitiful.

I wish everyone would just keep their secrets to themselves.
I must admit that I have never experienced or heard of anyone walking by any rv sites being accosted by anyone with any type flag on their rv sites, forcing them to salute or comment on them. :eek: I have however been stopped at sites with dogs standing watch in front of them and gotten a lot of licks and slobber on me.(y)
I wish the people flying the flag or flags WOULD just let me walk by. Some people really do believe you should stop and comment about their choice of flags.

It's pitiful.

I wish everyone would just keep their secrets to themselves.
I must admit that I have never experienced or heard of anyone walking by any rv sites being accosted by anyone with any type flag on their rv sites, forcing them to salute or comment on them. :eek: I have however been stopped at sites with dogs standing watch in front of them and gotten a lot of licks and slobber on me.(y)
We have a guy in our neighborhood that put up a political flag with the F word and then a politicians name. I complained to the HOA manager, not because of his political leanings but because of the profanity. I was told to work it out with the flag bearer. I’m sure he put the flag up to get a rise out of folks.
We have a guy in our neighborhood that put up a political flag with the F word and then a politicians name. I complained to the HOA manager, not because of his political leanings but because of the profanity. I was told to work it out with the flag bearer. I’m sure he put the flag up to get a rise out of folks.
Each and everyday there is something that someone will be offended by and individuals and groups will demand that the person be silenced. Thankfully my neck still turns 180 if I see stuff that I don't like, such as walking in one of those big box stores:) and even my mouse still clicks away if I find something not to my liking.

As long as any offender is not on my property, or I see individuals that will never agree with me attempting to engage, most of the time I just move right along at the break neck speed of a herd of turtles now.

As it relates to peoples language , have you heard some of the accepted music lately? Thats another example of where I can tune out and move along. Works great for the blood pressure and any perceived stress that can occur knowing that millions are being made with some of the most vulgar lyrics.
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Each and everyday there is something that someone will be offended by and individuals and groups will demand that the person be silenced.
I’m not offended by the F word. But there is a time and place for it. We live in a small community of maybe 20 homes. It is not appropriate for that language to be openly displayed. If we used that language on the forum I’m sure we would hear about it. If you hoisted a similar flag in an RV park I’m sure you would be asked to take it down.

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