Is it safe to sleep at shopping malls etc or should I always choose rv camp site

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wendycoke said: must have better Wally Worlds than we have.

The nearest one is 20 miles away, although we have a local McD, installed a few years ago in a small local strip mall. Prior to that our nearest grocery store was 7 miles away.

Have you eaten at McDs lately????

Can't say I have.

As for me being "anti-WM", I'm crushed that my image has changed so much.

Lol Wendy. I doubt you'd be crushed by a passing comment made in jest.
Tom said:
Agreed Ron, but don't agree that BK or Wendy's has any better food than McD. It's all JUNK food and very unhealthy.

Who ever claimed fast food was healthy? Why do you think Americans are fat? Of course, you can get a baked potato and salad at Wendy's.

As for french fries, the absolute best ones, and no arguing here, are In-and-Out fries, peels included.
wendycoke said:
As for french fries, the absolute best ones, and no arguing here, are In-and-Out fries, peels included.

Those are the kind I had in mind.  For fast food IN and Out would be hard to beat.  Way Way Way above McDonalds.
You don't eat at McDonalds. You buy a beverage and you sit while the kids play. Even their salads are McCrappy.

Now that's the only reason I've ever seen for not  staying at WalMart, FJ, etc.

Wendy, thanks

Why is that not a reason to stay at Wal*Mart?

Tom, I was thinking not only about the traffic in parking lots which is bad enough, but more important the personal safety of the kids.  A lot of strange things go on in places like that and visitors to this country who have children should be made aware that they need to use care.  I'm reminded of a situation in the 1990s at one of the rest stops on I-280 near San Mateo CA where families were warned to stay away.  I won't go into details here, but it involved a lot of arrests of some fairly prominent people for inappropriate behavior.  My mother also told us about a little boy in the Pittsburgh area who was snatched by a trucker at a truck stop when his parents weren't watching.  Luckily the truck had a tracking device and the next day they were able to find the boy in Ohio.  In my opinion, campgrounds are far more appropriate when traveling with children, especially young ones.


ArdraF said:
A lot of strange things go on in places like that and visitors to this country who have children should be made aware that they need to use care.

Hi Ardra. I fully agree and felt I was the lone voice expressing concern about staying at WM. My comment to Wendy was somewhat facetious.

No!  You facetious????  ;)  I never would have guessed!!

LOL Ardra, only when it comes to Wal*Mart camping  ;D
Shayne said:
Why not stay at WM Tom?  Rates too high?  LOL

Has anyone ever stayed in a WM parking lot and not gone in and spent at least $20? Groceries, cheap clothes, RV supplies? Of course, it's always stuff you'd buy anyway but still.......


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