
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
May 7, 2005
Greetings Folks, my wife and I live in upstate NY near Albany. We are not completely new to RV'ing, we bought our first trailer (30 ft Sprinter) in 1987 and used it often while the kids were still at home. We now have a Sunnybrook fifth wheel and love it. I guess the only question I have for now for the group is:  Any suggestions on oceanfront camping in Maine? We have stayed at Libby's in York Harbor. This is nice but you have to camp off season and the sites are on top of each other. Thanks, and look forward to frequenting this forum.  Bob
Libbys is way too expensive and tough to move around in for a large rig. Try The Moorings in Belfast. It has nice spacing located on a bay, nice managers, nice park.

Welcome aboard Bob!

I can't offer any suggestions, but I will read this thread with interest.  We will miss New England this year but we plan to make that our May-June visit in 2006.

I have started saving threads and messages abut campsites.  I set up a folder system on my laptop.  Main division is boondocking sites, things to see, and paid campgrounds.  When I see good recommendations, I put the thread or message into an email to myself with a useful title giving the geo location.  I then file them in the folders when I receive them. 

That way as I travel about the USA I will accumulate my own "Woodall" and be able to remember to check these places out.
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