Jacks Up or Down in Storage

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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2010
San Antonio, Tx
Do you have your jacks up or down when the coach is in storage?  I store my Class A in the back of an RV park in Texas.  Due to the weather, we will probably have it out at least once a month.  So I am not talking long term storage.  The ground where it is parked seems to have an asphalt base covered by crushed stone.  I have only had the motorhome a month and so far have not used jacks.  Either way, should I be parking the tires on some type of board or plastic?  I put covers on the tires if they are going to be sitting more than 5 days.  Thanks.  I can tell you how valuable this forum is for someone who is new to a motorhome.  You guys/gals are great!!
I would leave them up as long as you are not going to be staying in it. I would wipe down the shafts with a rag and hydraulic fluid if they have ben extended for longer than a few days. This prevents damage to the seals.
Bill.  I have electric jacks not hydraulic.  Does the recommendation to wipe with hydraulic fluid still apply?  John
When we were in PHX for 4-5 months last winter, every MH I saw in a RV Park with about 1000 MHs had the jacks down.  I guess it exposes the metal on the hydraulic cylinder plunger but it does (or can) take the load off the tires... which is worse full load on one side of the tires or a steel plunger exposed to the air?  BTW the brakes are on, often the slides are out, other metal is exposed to air.

I've seen recommendations to put a vehicle on jack stands for storage, to save the tires... 

what's the rational for not using the jacks?
jlazar said:
Bill.  I have electric jacks not hydraulic.  Does the recommendation to wipe with hydraulic fluid still apply?  John
That is a good queston. I don't have any experiance with electric jacks. I bet outhers will chime in that have experiance with electric jacks. 

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