Joe Lacey Is Here

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Joe-Cricket Lacey

New member
Mar 7, 2005
Hi Folks..... 1st time on this new forum.  I don't understand how to post a new message, so I jumped into this subject.

Cricket and I are traveling (working) on the road and are in Atlanta, GA at this time.  We will leave 4/6 and travel to Greenville, SC for the next part of stand year.

How do I change the size of the font?  It is extremely hard for me to read this (negative font size number)

Your topic is Class B....or what defines a Class B.  In the past it was fairly easy...if it was built on a van chassis, it was a Class B.  Then the first real change was when they took a standard chassis and put a structure on it....allowing the passthrough from the structure to the driver/passenger area.  That was considered to be a Class C.  We owned a Leisure Travel Class B and the nit pickers started the arguement on a side issue... Would that Class B be welcomed (or eligible) to belong to FMCA?  It got informal tricky when the word was (informally) passed that as long as you could stand up straight (including not bending while getting out of the driver/passenger seat and making our way back to the was eligible for FMCA memebership.

However, that was an "Informal" qualification and gioing strictly by the FMCA book, you only needed to have specific functions to qualify for FMCA membership.  Fully self-contained...Bath, Kitchen, Eating and Sleeping sections.

Having said that, I just want to tell you folks that the other week we purchased another Leisure Travel Class B (as a way of introducing our vehicle and class....that contridicts what I just said<grin>

This Leisure Travel is definitely in the hybrid class.  It's 22 feet long, a Mercedes diesel on an Sprint (Freightliner Chassis)  We get 22mpg.  The easiest way to identify it or notice it is to check out the UPS and FedEx small vans....this is the exactly same RV ...having the same engine and chassis.  We live out of the Class A motorhome (2001 Winnebago Journey diesel with 2 slideouts)  However we wanted a second vehicle to tool around on Cricket's work break.  Since we have the motorhome set up for 6 weeks, it wasn't practical to change it for road travel every week.  The Leisure Travel is (as all Class B's) a dual functiion (work/play) vehicle.

And with that I'll sign off and try and figure out how to work this forum.

Welcome to our new home.? So you got another hiccup :)? If you get out Phoenix way this month, we'll be here until Apr. 1. then Yuma for a week.

Say hi to Cricket for us,
Hi Joe

Thanks for the background explanation.

To post a "new message", just use the New topic button. Each time a new topic is created, folks can click Reply to reply to the topic you created, but they'e not replying directly to your message.

BTW glad you found us and decided to stop by. We talk about you now and again when you're not here.? :D.
Hi Joe Welcome to our new home.? Glad to see you here.? If you and Cricket get near Lewistown Mt during the summer stop by.
How do I change the size of the font?? It is extremely hard for me to read this (negative font size number)

Oops Joe, looks like we forgot to answer this one. If you're using the Firefox web browser, you can change font size quicklly and easily by clicking View|TextSize|Increase (or Decrease) in the top tool bar.
Tom said:
If you're using the Firefox web browser, you can change font size quicklly and easily by clicking View|TextSize|Increase (or Decrease) in the top tool bar.


Ctrl with + and - also will change the text size in Firefox or Netscape.

Joe-Cricket Lacey said:
Cricket and I are traveling (working) on the road and are in Atlanta, GA at this time.? We will leave 4/6 and travel to Greenville, SC for the next part of stand year.

Hi Joe, long time no see.? Will you be back in the Utah area anytime soon?? ???

Hi Joe,

Well this brings me closer to the famed (or is is infamous) Joe Lacey--and Lord, I do hope I've got the guy that Ned (and others) have told some stories of yours--in fact I think some of those stories were penned by yourself.

I look forward to meeting the guy that has stared down a recalcitrant black water exit, and stayed to tell the tale. :)


LOL Doug, Joe is one of a kind. He poops you out with his stories though.  ;D

"Cricket and I are traveling (working) on the road and are in Atlanta, GA at this time.  We will leave 4/6..."

  Jo and I live intown, Joel & Camille up in Cartersville - how about a micro rally?

    George & JoAnn/ATL


Glad to see you here.  You have been missed.  Your new Class B sounds interesting.  How about posting a picture once you get the hang of this new format?
Howdy, Joe.

Glad to C U here!! You were the very first SKP RVer that we met, after many computer conversations. I think that was on Prodigy. Boy am I dating myself. :)

Hope that you will send some pictures of your RV to this Forum.

Jack will retire on March 31, 2006. We go  back to Texas to visit with our son and grandson in Fort Worth for a while. Then we are going to do some traveling in our Bluebird Wanderlodge and go to rallies!!

Best regards,
Jack and Liz
Hey, Joe! Good to see you on here. There sure have been a lot of miles, HFWPH moments, and different RV's since Kathryn and I were wannabe's and you introduced us to the Escapees and we spent the night on Ron & Sam's couch in their Bounder at Rainbow's End. It's scary to think how long ago that was.

Really glad to hear you and Cricket are doing well. Are we still one of the very few who actually got to meet Cricket in person?
Take care!
DonJordan said:

Glad to see you here.? You have been missed.? Your new Class B sounds interesting.? How about posting a picture once you get the hang of this new format?

I am trying to get the hang of this forum... If I am doing this right.... I use the quote to respond to the message.

I have discovered a problem... I can't find my camera.  I have just about talked myself in needing a new one anyway...but this does NOT sit well with Cricket.  She believes one of the workmen stoled it while working on the motorhome within the last couple of weeks.

I don't have an answer to ....and to replace the camera will cost more money than we can spare since we have some motorhome repairs to attend to.

Welcome back, your friends have missed you.  I know you'll have more educational material for all of us :)

Glad you made it. You can also scroll up the screen and use the Reply button above.

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