Just another dreamer!

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New member
Dec 5, 2012
Pensacola, FL
Hi, I am Jess... wife and mother of 2 teenagers. My husband and I have a photography business and we home school our children.

We have had the dream, for many years, to RV full time and travel around the US. A sudden realization that time is running out and our kids will be gone before we know it, has pushed us to start moving on this dream.

We know want we want as far as a rig goes, so it's just a matter of finding it and getting our home rented out. Other than that, we have no ties... our job can be done anywhere and we often travel to photograph weddings anyway.  :D

I am excited to find this forum and hope to get to know some of you better!
I am a homeschool mom as well.  I have some suggestions specific to that but other than that I am knew too.  I wish you the best.
Thanks, singlemom7! We have been home schooling our kids since kindergarten and kind of lean a bit towards "unschooling". So, I think full time RVing shouldn't hamper our current lifestyle... only enhance it. :)
Hi Jess, and welcome to the RV Forum. I'm guessing from your screen name that you are a Floridian? We live outside of Ocala ourselves, out in the National Forest.

I think you are wise to pursue your dream while still young enough to get the most out of it. Folks here will be glad to help in any way we can.
Gary RV Roamer said:
Hi Jess, and welcome to the RV Forum. I'm guessing from your screen name that you are a Floridian? We live outside of Ocala ourselves, out in the National Forest.

I think you are wise to pursue your dream while still young enough to get the most out of it. Folks here will be glad to help in any way we can.

Thanks, Gary! We are in Pensacola... a beauuuutiful area and we love it. But we are ready to go and certainly want to do this with our kids before they move out. So, we are really trying to get things going.

Thanks again for the welcome!
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