Just bought my first RV!

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Active member
Jun 4, 2012
Austin, TX
Hello all!  I posted a few months ago asking advice for my RV search.  Thanks again for your help.  My husband and I just bought a 1999 Fleetwood Bounder.  It is in good shape for it's age and pretty low mileage.  We plan to move into it from our apartment in a few weeks.  Our dog already loves it, though she has an unfortunate tendency to sit on the dashboard if we leave her inside.  No big trips planned yet.  We are looking for an RV park close to Austin to stay in as a home base for a while and maybe go to some state parks in the area.  Next summer we are planning to head to New Jersey and Pennsylvania to visit some family.
Congrats on your new adventure! Can't help with Texas, but can with NJ when you head up this neck of the woods!

You are in a part of Texas that has an abundance of great places to stay, including the Texas State Parks. One of our Forum members, falconhunter (Chip Burkowksi) is a camp host at Inks State Park which is not too far from you.

Try using http://www.rvparkreviews.com/ to help you locate something in the area and give you a sense of what others think.

Good luck with the adventure and welcome to the Forum!

My 4 year old son and my 22 pound dog are both HUGE Fans of large Bounder dashboard.  No harm done, so we let them have their fun.

Thanks for the suggestions!  I have been using the rvparkreviews site and have found it very useful.  One thing I've been surprised by is the RV parks around here all seem to limit the age of the RV to 10 years.  A couple places have said they might make an exception if I send them pics and the RV looks acceptable.  I found one park that had a 20 year limit, but that one was out of the way and didn't have much in the way of amenities but didn't cost less.

I would love to just live in state parks.  There a lot of really nice ones here.  I'd miss being close to my sister here in town and my husband and I tend to have many doctor appointments.  Those are the only real drawbacks.  I've wondered what being a park host in the state parks entails.  My husband and I each have limitations on how much we can work, but if there isn't heavy lifting or other hard physical labor or long hours, between us we could probably carry out the responsibilities.

Jeff, my dog is 80 pounds, but the dash doesn't seem to mind.  I'm ok a long as she doesn't climb on the dinette.

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