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Active member
Jan 31, 2007
Townsville,Queensland Australia
Hi there we are Michael and Michelle we are from Australia we were over there for Christmas and hired a 31 foot class C motor home and travelled around for 4 weeks it was not enough time to hardly scratch the surface, we stayed in KAO parks were possible and stayed down at Pancho Villa state park near the Mexican border in New Mexico and we stayed in a few of the other state parks and had an absolute blast now were are planning on coming back to the states again next year and hope to stay a lot longer all the people we met on our travels were just so helpfull and full of advice to the point that we are planning on coming over there for work and travel a lot more.

We started in Los Angeles we went though on up to Santa Fe then down to El Paso in Texas then came back.

I wish i found this RV forum before we went on the holiday it would have been interesting to maybe meet up with some of you.
Hi Michael and Michelle. Welcome to our forum. Sounds like you had a great trip here in the USA.
Hi Michael and Michelle. Welcome to the Forum. Glad you enjoyed your last visit to the states. The group would love to answer any questions you have and we look forward to hearing about your next trip.

Welcom Michael and Michelle:  Glad you liked Poncho Villa SP.  That's a great introduction to numerous cacti plants.  Just have to be careful not to walk into them.  ;)  We love that park.  Did you get to the historical museum in the old RR depot?  We found it fascinating and until then did not know how historic the area was around the turn of the century.  Early movie crews stood on roof tops "filming" the war.  Also, it was the first time airplanes were used in battle. 

Have fun on your next trip to the States.  Keep up with the forum as there will plenty of us here to guide to interesting sites to explore.

Hi Micheal and Michelle

Welcome to the RV Forum. Please look around the forum,  join in on any of the on going discussions, start new discussions, or ask questions. Thanks for joining us.
Yes Wendy, you and Mike would probably enjoy that place.  The park itself is full of every kind of cactus you can think of, and sites are defined by where the cacti are not planted. ;D  Some were much larger than normal.  Otherwise, the area around is pretty desolate, the town not much and pretty run down, but we enjoyed it for a couple of days.  Get groceries ahead of time as I don't remember if there were any there and it's about 25 miles to Deming.  I think there was a cantina, but we did not investigate it.  We enjoyed learning about the area, since this territory was all new to us then, being northerners, we knew next to nothing about the  Poncho Villa War.

Daisy said:
Welcom Michael and Michelle:  Glad you liked Poncho Villa SP.  That's a great introduction to numerous cacti plants.  Just have to be careful not to walk into them.   ;)  We love that park.  Did you get to the historical museum in the old RR depot?  We found it fascinating and until then did not know how historic the area was around the turn of the century.  Early movie crews stood on roof tops "filming" the war.  Also, it was the first time airplanes were used in battle. 

Have fun on your next trip to the States.  Keep up with the forum as there will plenty of us here to guide to interesting sites to explore.


Yes we did know how Historical the place was my partner michelle her dad works as a volunteer there and so we stayed there for a few days to look around

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