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May 28, 2005
Hi there, just signed up to the forums. 
My wife and i just purchased a '06 Cherokee Lite 28a+ and a '04 Expedition to go along with it.
Have not used it yet and i am doing tons of reading and research to learn everything I can ahead of time.
Have had some problems with the towing in terms of the equiptment needed, but i will post that in the appropriate section.
We have a 9 month old boy and thought this would be great to have for us and him and he gets older.
Looking for recommended places to go in NY. Finger Lakes/Lake George/Catskills area. We live in Warwick NY which is about 30 minutes south of the Catskills.

Hi Bob, welcome to our friendly forum. I'm on the west coast, but hopefully some of our members more familiar with NY state will arrive soon to provide some suggestions.
Hi Bob - welcome aboard.

There are many, many campgrounds in the Lake George area and your choice depends on the amenities and style you prefer.  We like Dagget Lake Campsites, outside of Warensburg but it is very ristic and not for everybody.  Right around Lake George itself the campgrounds are more elegant and usually have family-oriented activities, pools, etc.  Lake George Escape is one of them and is highly rated, but most any of them will be nice.  The state park (further north along Schroon Lake) tends to be a bit rowdy on the weekends, but they are very inexpensive.

The Finger Lakes have some very nice NY State Parks, but their names and exact location escape me at the moment.

If you don't yet have a campground guide such as Trailer Life or Woodall's, I suggest you buy one. Well worth the money. You can also look up potential campgrounds on the Trailer Life and Woodall's web sites. They each have brief descriptions available for free or for a few dolalrs you can buy a "gold" membership and get the same full data as in the printed guide. Plus you can do searches for parks that meet certain criteria that you specifiy.  See www.tldirectory.com or www.woodalls.com
I did pick up trailor life, but i prefer to put faith in other peoples suggestions more than the book. :)
I have traveled to the finger lakes for 10 years, its one of the most undiscovered areas in the north east. On a saturday in summer its often quiet compaired to most vacation/tourist areas and we love that.
We want quiet, not interested in children running around us much. :) just us and the baby as long as it has full hookups.
I will check out the sites, didnt think of that, and i will probably like searching online better than the book.

Hi Bob!

I have not been in NY yet since I started RVing, but I used to spend many summers in upstate NY along Lake Champlain.  This is just north of the Area Gary mentioned in Lake George.  In fact Kale George would be an ideal place to begin such a trip.  Instead of taking the Northway Interstate, when we do it we are going to poke along on some of the old route 9s.  There are several versions of Route 9 and all of them have their good points.  Fast travel is not one of them however.  Scenic views and historical places are.

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