Keystone Cougar bolt coming up under floor?

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New member
Oct 15, 2005
Howdy guys,

I just recently bought a 2005 Keystone Cougar and have been traveling around the U.S. for about the last 4 months.  A few other Cougar owners had mentioned that they had one or two bolts start popping up thru the flooring (in the kitchen area).  Low and behold, a few weeks ago I had one pop up too.  It hasn't broken thru the floor yet, but it's very obvious and you have to avoid stepping on it.  No other owners that I've met seem to have the answer, and I haven't found anything on this forum yet.  There's no blantantly obvious cause for this that I can easily find.  Any of you folks had any similiar experiences or found any causes/solutions to this problem?
This is the first I have heard of this condition.  I would sure contact the dealer and manufacturer for an explanation and their plans for fixing and preventing further occurrence on your unit.  Please keep us informed.
If there is a bolt popping up it means something is loose that should be tight,,, This is a safety matter as it could fall apart and either 1: Injure you or 2: injure someone behind you or 3: cost you big money to fix/replace the rig

Thus I'd make haste to that dealer and find out what is causing it

I would also report to the NHTSA folks... Might be worth a recall if it's common enough

Yes, We have a Keystone 276 a 2006 model and it also has a bump or something under the kitchen lineolium just before the steps to the bedrom. This is our second fifth wheel from keystone and we like the brand real well however, I to am concerned about this. We live 150 miles from the dealership so it is a major deal to get it there. My husband likes to work in his shop rebuilding old cars more than rving. If anyone knows where I can find a 1961 Pontiac Ventura let me know. I may be able to get him out to go get it. Let me know what you find out. WIlde
I agree with Ron. I would be on the phone or sending an email immediately to Keystone. The company seems to have a pretty good reputation for customer service ... one of the reasons we bought a Keystone product.


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