Knee Replacement

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Jun 28, 2012
I lost my husband last September and he loved camping.  I would like to continue, but have had a knee replacement which I cannot kneel on for over a couple of minutes.  I own a 2004 Roadtrek and have to get down under it to pull the handles to drain the tanks.  Has anyone ever done this and if so, how?  A macerator will not help as I would still have to get down on my knees.  Thanks.
I have had both knees replaced and I use the foam pads like those sold in Wal Mart garden section for kneeling when doing garden work.  In fact, I tape two of them together to make it thicker and it really helps
Hi Roadtrekker2,

Sorry for your loss. I hope you can continue to use your Roadtrek. It is my prefer camper and I am looking at those as well as a few other options.

I am not familiar with the 190's and how to drain the tanks. Perhaps someone else might offer up a suggestion. My thoughts are that it might be possible for you to have the handles modified where you could pull them from the side of the RV in order to drain the tanks. Perhaps even asking Roadtrek Company for suggestions would be a good start.

It is my believe that there are ways around almost any situation and you should be able to figure those out and do what you love to do. So many good things to see and do out in this country and a matter of addressing the problems and going on.

Good luck and hope you find your answer.
Hi Roadtrekker2 and welcome to the RV Forum.  I too extend my sympathies for the loss of your husband and favorite traveling companion.  I'm glad to hear you want to continue the lifestyle which most of us obviously love or we wouldn't be talking with you on this forum.  I don't know anything about the answer to your question, but maybe next time!  Meanwhile, I hope you get some good ideas to solve your problem.

I also have major knee issues with a replacement in 2010 that became infected, resulting in 4 more surgeries in 9 months. As a consequence, kneeling is not my favorite task, in part because I still have knee problems and my legs are weak. In order to drop my landing legs on the 5er and to connect my sewer line, I carry a garden kneeler with us which I have padded for comfort. Folds down and fits in the basement. Works pretty well and helps getting up. If that doesn't work, I always carry extra beer and wine as a bribe to anyone I can con into helping. ;D


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