Landing Spot Identified!

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
Well, we are working our way towards leaving.  House is up for sale, been selling, giving and tossing things for a month.  I can walk thru my workshop without stepping over anything.  We have almost narrowed down our choice in fifth wheelers.  (Holiday Rambler Presidential) and we have picked a park.  Sent in my deposit for Majestic Oaks in Zephyrhills, FL.  18 mile commute to my new job, and situated in the park across the road from the park my folks are in.  We are going in their new section, the pads are bing poured, the grass is being planted.  It will be ready for us in August when we get there.  I can store my slide on camper for no extra charge!  We will be towing an enclosed trailer for my motorcycles and tools.  Hopefully I can work on stuff in the trailer, ot sure about that part yet. 

Wow, the list is endelss, or seemingly so.  Thanks in great part, reading this over the years, the pointers have built up so it looks like we can do it.  On our card we hand out to new friends the 'job title' says Retirement Trainees.  How prophetic!  Well, not too much, we are easing in by continuing to work, but at least I am working within the field. 

So, target date is 1st week of August, forst to CT, and then turning south at New York.  See you in FL!

Thanks, I certainly hope so too, so be sure to let us know if you get down to FL.  In 9 years or less we will be out west, likely Idaho a bit, plus some Utah and Arizona.  Jolene's sister and b-i-law have a 5th wheel and will be traveling also.  plus they have a couple spots up in Idaho.


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