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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
They are testing me up to get me prepped for my surgery on December 10.  I went up to the hospital today for blood work, etc.  The nurse told me my blood was fine but I was still ugly.
They told me that I would have to go to the hospital early so they could give me shots to reduce the Cumiden in my system and thicken my blood  before the surgery so I would not bleed all over the place, then after the surgery it is more shots to get my blood back ''thin'' so I wont have a stroke.  They give me the shots in my belly and they leave a purple place where they stick me.  When this is over, my tummy will look like a checker board......
My knee is really hurting now.  It seems if I do nothing IT HURTS  and if I try to be active, IT HURTS.  Me and the pain pill bottle have become good friends and I am still getting around but kinda slow.
I told the scheduling nurse that she could put the ''word out'' that I would be glad to swop surgery dates with some with a earlier date than me and I would ''kick in'' a hundred bucks to boot, for the swop.    With my luck I would swop with some guy having ''Hem-A-Roid'' surgery and I would get ''reamed out'' and not get my knee fixed.  Such is life....
Anyhow,  again thanks for all the information on this and I owe a few of you guys ten cent e mails which will be in the mail sometime today.............
Be safe my friends .....cj...
Good luck!  I hope you don't have to wait until the scheduled date but even if you do, it sure looks like you are ready.  People generally get knee replacements when they can't live with the old one any longer.  You are there.

As far as your appearance, I remember hearing about how Sir Winston Churchill was seated next to Lady Astor at a state dinner.  They were renewing their contentious relationship.  Sir Winston had been drinking heavily and apparently said some thing to the Lady that she took offense to.  She turned to him and exclaimed "Sir Winston, you are drunk!"  His answer was that she was totally correct, but "you are ugly, and in the morning, I will be sober but you will still be ugly."  Perhaps after the surgery, regaldress of where they operate. people will notice an improvement in your looks.
Interesting that they opted for shots (vitamin K, I assume) to reduce the effects of Coumadin.  I've had two recent neck surgeries and in both cases, they had me stop my Coumadin a week in advance of the surgery and bridge the period with Lovonox injections that I administer myself to maintain the correct I.N.R. for my artificial heart valve.
Molaker said:
Interesting that they opted for shots (vitamin K, I assume) to reduce the effects of Coumadin.  I've had two recent neck surgeries and in both cases, they had me stop my Coumadin a week in advance of the surgery and bridge the period with Lovonox injections that I administer myself to maintain the correct I.N.R. for my artificial heart valve.

This is the procedure they have always used on me when I have surgery.  It must work because I am not dead yet.  I have had two strokes, both in my left arm and hand.  One paralized from my shoulder down and the other was not nearly as bad.  They got me in the ''golden hour'' and I am using both hands and typing 120 WPM without any problem.
The two things I really fear is Cancer and a really bad stroke.  Cancer kills you really slow usually and a stroke can kill ''half of you''.  No thanks folks.... I can take a ''shot'' and cure both of them..........
Anyhow,  I will keep you  posted as things move along.....

Say a prayer for our service people.....................cj
Seajay said:
This is the procedure they have always used on me when I have surgery.  It must work because I am not dead yet.  I have had two strokes, both in my left arm and hand.  One paralized from my shoulder down and the other was not nearly as bad.  They got me in the ''golden hour'' and I am using both hands and typing 120 WPM without any problem.
The two things I really fear is Cancer and a really bad stroke.  Cancer kills you really slow usually and a stroke can kill ''half of you''.  No thanks folks.... I can take a ''shot'' and cure both of them..........
Anyhow,  I will keep you  posted as things move along.....

Say a prayer for our service people.....................cj

Seajay, I've followed you're posts for quite some time, the 120 wpm explains a lot when it comes to your spelling' If you can get the old brain working at 120 wpd you'll be doing great. LMAO
hondo122 said:
Seajay, I've followed you're posts for quite some time, the 120 wpm explains a lot when it comes to your spelling' If you can get the old brain working at 120 wpd you'll be doing great. LMAO

I'm not sure I'd tease that bear.....

On a cheerful note..while I've not had a knee replacement, yet, I have had a leg and knee re-built...both are working fine and yours will too..

Good luck on your knee surgery, I have had both of mine replaced and no regrets I can now walk pain free.  I am not on any blood thinners but after the surgery I had to have Lovonox injections everyday to prevent any blood clots.

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