Hello, We have a 1974 Coachman "Sportsman" camper with 57.000 miles on it and I believe that the hot water tank has rusted out. Since we have limited finances, we were considering buying a used hot water tank but I am not sure if it is a lot of work to remove the old tank and if we can get a replacement tank. The original tank was made by "Mobile Temp." I saw a company online called Arizona Salvage that sells used hot water tanks. Also, we are assuming that the hot water tank is the problem because no matter what you do (ex run the kitchen sink or add water at the opposite side of the water tank, water pours out underneath the area just below the hot water tank. I though w could travel and just not use the hot water tank but even if we are willing to fore go not using the hot water tank we are still out of luck because the leak will not let us retain any water for flushing the toilet, washing dishes etc. Should we consider getting a used hot water tank? Do we have to take out cabinets to get to the old one and install the replacement? Any suggestions regarding buying a used hot water tank? Thank you so much for any advice. Btw we are near Albany, NY The RV places here charge about $125.00 per hour to work on RV;s if anyone knows anyone that is in our area that is really affordable, we'd appreciate knowing that as well. Many Blessings, Debra aka Bunchito