Leaking Hydraulic Jack Fluid

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Oct 26, 2005
I have a 2000 HR Endeavor and a front Power Gear hydraulic jack is leaking fluid down the cylinder onto the jack pad.  Can any one tell me how to prevent this problem and where I can get it repaired (I live in Eastern Iowa)?  Can the seal be replaced or is a new jack required?

Thanks for your help.

Bellevue, Iowa
Although there are other possible causes, it does sound like the seal has failed. You'll
find different approaches to the fix. Many RV places don't want to mess with the problem and thus order a new jack; the most expensive option but sometime the only one.

If you are capable or can find a mechanic so inclined you can replace seal for as little as $10 or so. The more skilled mechanic can measure the cylinder carefully and find a match. There is a new alternative as well. They have redesigned and improved the seal system as well as added a wiper to stop debris on cylinder damaging it. I don't know your jack weight but as an example if you have a 9K pound jack it takes kit # 800129S and if 12k then 800137S; either kit costs $89.14 each. The install of the new kit requires a skilled person as it invoves use of torch for heating and other techniques. The kits can be ordered off the Power Gear web site. it would be best to call technical folks at PG if you decide to go kit route and get proper kit because they do vary by year as well as weight.

Some farm implement dealers ot heavy equipment dealers have excellent hydrualic capabilities and can repair leveling jacks for reasonable cost.
Thanks Ron for the advice.? I called the HR dealershiip and they wanted $900 to fix the problem (i.e. replace the entire jack).? I went to a farm implement store and they recommended I take it into a hydraulic repair shop.? Total cost to fix (i.e.replace 3 seals and labor) was $100!
hopdickson said:
Thanks Ron for the advice.? I called the HR dealershiip and they wanted $900 to fix the problem (i.e. replace the entire jack).? I went to a farm implement store and they recommended I take it into a hydraulic repair shop.? Total cost to fix (i.e.replace 3 seals and labor) was $100!

That is why I suggested a farm implement store.  Figured if they didn't have a shop they would know where to get it done.  Much more reasonable too.  Glad it worked out.

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