Lease/rent-to-own an RV?

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Jul 1, 2006
Land of Lincoln
The idea of leasing-to-own an RV was brought up in another thread.  Has anyone ever done this with a private seller, or know how that would be done?  I'd like to know about the proper wording in a contract of sorts, how insurance/registration works in this situation, and so on.  Is it even something that a private seller (or any of you that have sold RV's) would consider?

In my case, there is a specific motorhome that I am looking at buying... a 1989 Jayco 27' Class C.  However I can't buy it right now b/c (1) I don't have all the money yet, and (2) my wife is interested in a MH but not convinced yet.  This motorhome has been parked and not used (but still maintained I'm told) for 2 years and the owners are not actively advertising it, so I'd imagine there's a good chance it would still be available by next Spring when I have the cash saved.  However, I'd love it if I could "rent" it now to get some use out of it and *really* test it out.  The owners would probably (hopefully) be happy to have it being used and not in their yard anymore, and I wouldn't mind making payments now if they will go toward the final purchase price later.  But if it ended up being a lemon or the family hated camping (doubtful ;) ) we'd be out a little money but not a whole MH's worth.  Ideas?
Best way to convince your wife is to rent or borrow a unit and take a trip. IF you convince her, then you can start looking around for some gently used RV. RVing isn't for everyone but for many of us, we can't imagine NOT RVing. Buying an RV is a big investment, in time as well as in money, so you're better off giving it a try before jumping in with both feet.
Personally, being somewhat mechanically able to work on units, I wouldn't touch it, having set that long.  Too much can go haywire by setting, let alone useage.  Seals crack, gaskets falter, oil drains from bearing, hoses dryrot.  Naw  not me, I don't mind working on them but if I have to work on one, it would have to be something worth putting the money in.  You can fix one thing and 5 others develop. But that's me not you.  You have to do what you think best. No one can make up your mind for you, and shouldn't try.  I only spoke for me and no one else.  Also, sitting that long 1=st things you will probably have to replace tires and brakes(calipers, if they have them) and vaccuum lines, fuel pumps and probably even drop fuel tanks and flush.  Did this on many an old car and truck while restoring.  Motorhomes are altogether a different venue. Fridges, heaters, waterlines, (did they freeeze)  You are talking major undertaking. 
But again it's all up to you not us.  All said this is only MHO
Here's a site that sells lease-to-purchase contracts, guide books, etc.  Lease-to-purchase

And here  is a sample rent-to-own contract (this one is for a computer, but you could modify it):
Sample rent-to-own contract

It would seem the first step would be to ask the seller if they would consider renting it to you for a weekend or week, so you could try it out. If they turn that down, it's probably pointless to bring up the rent-to-own question.

It's a tricky situation for the seller, since the vehcile is titled and has to be registered and insured. The owner of the vehicle is still legally responsbile if you kill somebody while driving the rented vehicle, so maintaining proper insurance and such has to be part of the rent-to-own deal.  Personally, I would not do it if I were the seller, but I'm fairly conservative about that sort of thing.  Have you considered financing the purchase price through a credit union or an Rv lender?  Don't know how easy it will be to get a vehicle loan on a 1989, but that would be the straight-forward solution.
Thanks for the responses thus far.  I'm on the fence with this particular MH I guess.  It's exactly the style and floorplan that we want, the age we can afford, and the only thing so far that's met all those requirements.  The 2-year thing is the only downside, which is why I was interested in trying this one out so-to-speak before buying.  Don't worry Shayne, I have read your warnings about it in a couple threads where I brought up this rig.  ;)

wendycoke said:
Best way to convince your wife is to rent or borrow a unit and take a trip.

I agree.  Unfortunately I don't know anyone well enough (that has a MH) to borrow from, and rental prices around here are astronomical... at least they seem that way.  $500-650 for a weekend, and I'd have to drive an hour minimum to the nearest rental facility.

RV Roamer said:
Have you considered financing the purchase price through a credit union or an Rv lender?  Don't know how easy it will be to get a vehicle loan on a 1989, but that would be the straight-forward solution.

Sure, I just don't want to go into debt over this.  The amount we're looking at spending for an older MH could be saved in a year or less, and I just hate to idea of making payments & paying interest on something that will be sitting unused in my driveway over the winter months.  We're working hard to pay down debt, and I hate to backpedal and take on more.  That's why I'd kinda like a "back door" escape from purchasing a MH too, just in case we realize our boys are too young (5, and almost 2) or it doesn't work out for some other reason.
In my case, there is a specific motorhome that I am looking at buying... a 1989 Jayco 27' Class C.? However I can't buy it right now b/c (1) I don't have all the money yet, and (2) my wife is interested in a MH but not convinced yet.?

There is a classic answer to your dilemma --- RENT.? ?Rent a Class-C of the length you want to buy and take a week's vacation with it.? ?That will settle a lot of questions you have now.? ?Google El Monte Rents and Cruise America and check them out.? ?They are good reliable brands with a lot of agencies.  The money you spend on the rental can be charged off to education, and education is rarely a losing proposition.
Scot  I'm not being smart aleckie about it I just don't want to see you burned and can't imphise the cautions of going about it.  Especially when you've not been thru it before.  Many RV dealers in that area rent units.  I know Rollin on in In did as well as one in Bloomigtom, IL  But it's beemn a while since I last checked. If you were here I'd let you try mine cause it's just sitting and will be for 4 or 5  more months,  However I do run it every week and take a spin down the road to keep everything working properly.  Good luck on what ever you try    Maybe you can approach the people and explain the truth as you are telling  us.  He might go for it.  Heck I had a guy once ask me to sell him an old car we had oin time payments  I wanted 500 for the car,  ended up taking 200 and payments of  100 a month  He made the 1st payment the next week his daughter got sick and I told him to forget the rest.  You just never know what will happen,  He's still a very good friend of mine.  So you never know and it don't hurt to try.  Again  good luck.
No problem Shayne, don't worry I didn't take your response as smart-aleckie.  I'm certainly not throwing caution to the wind here, and I appreciate your honest warnings.  :)  I'm going to give the weekend rental request a try with this owner I think, and see how that goes.  Now that I think about it, I probably could rent/borrow a 2001 Class C from a co-worker, but I don't want to get used to something too new and modern.  Might as well get used to what I would actually own.
Does anyone know a good website to go to and find rent to own travel trailers? Thanks in advance for any help and info.
Shayne said:
Personally, being somewhat mechanically able to work on units, I wouldn't touch it, having set that long.  Too much can go haywire by setting, let alone useage.  Seals crack, gaskets falter, oil drains from bearing, hoses dryrot. 
Well in that case it becomes impossible to buy an old used motorhome because every single one of them has probably experienced a few idle years.

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