Let?s Put This Coronavirus ?Hysteria? into Perspective

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2017
North-Central Wyoming
    And this barely gets mentioned! The ?worldwide? economy is crashing and people have almost devolved into animals,  due to media sensationalism.....or is it my imagination?    memtb     

There is nothing i or anybody else can say that would make you believe other than what you do. Blame it on whomever you want to, the media, the Chinese, the government, your next door neighbor. It doesn?t matter. It won?t change the situation. Stay safe. I hope you and yours do not become victims of this virus.
  ThankYou Old Gator, and I wish you and Yours the same. While one death by any means is painful to those left behind. The ?virus? that is presently ?ransacking? the world is not a germ or organism....it is panic caused by unscrupulous reporting!  memtb
Memtb said:
  ThankYou Old Gator, and I wish you and Yours the same. While one death by any means is painful to those left behind. The ?virus? that is presently ?ransacking? the world is not a germ or organism....it is panic caused by unscrupulous reporting!  memtb

I won?t argue with you about the media but I will say the only unscrupulous reporting I have seen was on Fox.
36,000 confirmed cases in Italy, 3,000 people dead in Italy, drastic quarantine ongoing, and number of cases are still climbing. 

First reported case in Italy was 45-50 days ago

Average time to first symptoms from infection 5 days, contagious about 2 days after infection

For those that are dying of this the average time to death 15 days from first symptoms

You do the math

Sure it has not killed as many as the flu, but unless we take drastic action to stop it, it will make the number of flu deaths look like nothing.
  I “never” saw you as a follower of Fox!  I applaud you!  ;)  I however do agree, they are complicit as well!  memtb
Memtb said:
  I ?never? saw you as a follower of Fox!  I applaud you!  ;)  I however do agree, they are complicit as well!  memtb

Being career military we were taught to always know what your enemy is up to. Hence I try to follow what Fax News is up to. Particular Hannity, Carlson and Ingram. Listen to them and then do the opposite.
Sensationalism? At times.  Over-enthusiasm? Surely!  The media is so full of self-importance that they feel they have to report each and every iota as a grave and newsworthy event.  Worse, dozens of talking heads with wild conjectures of possible events  and little or no effort to distinguish accomplished fact from what might be.  Everything delivered in OMG! tones implying the end of the world as we know it.

As for Fox vs NY Times and Washington Post, they differ only in their slant on things. They all are trying to convince us that their view is the only one worth having.  When they bother with facts at all, it is inevitable colored with opinion.  A far cry from the days of hard news only and Walter Cronkite reciting facts without frequent analysis by dubious experts.
Of the three news outlets you mentioned, only one insisted for weeks that the coronavirus was a hoax. All news outlets are not the same.

I believe we all miss the days of Walter Cronkite, but that was back when news was news, and entertainment was entertainment, and never the twain shall meet. Now on "news" shows more time is spent on entertainment than news.

Another factor that has changed the news business is the ending of the "fairness doctrine."
      QUOTE:  Another factor that has changed the news business is the ending of the "fairness doctrine."

    Very accurate! With the elimination of the ?Fairness Doctrine?, it gave everyone the opportunity to choose their news source. It eliminated the ?few? talking heads from having ?unbridled? access to the news.....thereby forming our opinions for us!  It?s really good to be able to study and determine truth as best we can. Scientists ?never? run just one test, and declare that the results are ?infallible?! It takes many data points to come to an accurate depiction of reality!  memtb
Folks have to learn how to glean the newsworthy from the entertainment. If it sounds wanky, research it. Speaking of Fox, I think they were classified as entertainment as opposed to news. I?m going to look that up. Okay, looked it up. The FCC does not regulate cable channels like Fox, CNN or MSNBC. They only regulate news on ABC, CBS, NBC. Having said that the cable channels are not designated by any government entity as news or entertainment.
Oldgator73 said:
Speaking of Fox, I think they were classified as entertainment . I?m going to look that up. Okay, looked it up. The FCC does not regulate cable channels like Fox, CNN or MSNBC. They only regulate news on ABC, CBS, NBC.

The difference is whether the news is delivered over the air or directly to cable TV operators.  The FCC oversees news content on over the air TV because they're using the public airways, a limited resource.  Cable TV and streaming channels are not regulated to the same extent because they're not using scarce over the air channels.

As far as Fox News being labeled as entertainment, you're confusing the Fox Network which supplies entertainment programming to over the air TV stations with their own independent news operations, and Fox News Network which provides 24/7 news programming directly to cable TV.

Both were named to reflect their parent company 20th Century Fox, the major Hollywood movie studio.

BTW, all of the traditional OTA networks now have their own cable and/or streaming news channels, with CBS and ABC only recently coming online. These are as free from federal oversight as CNN and MSNBC (a partnership between Microsoft and NBC).
Lou Schneider said:
The difference is whether the news is delivered over the air or directly to cable TV operators.  The FCC oversees news content on over the air TV because they're using the public airways, a limited resource.  Cable TV channels are not regulated to the same extent because they're not using scarce over the air channels.

As far as Fox News being labeled as entertainment, you're confusing the Fox Network which supplies entertainment programming to over the air TV stations which in turn have their own independent news operations, and Fox News Network which provides 24/7 news programming directly to cable TV.

Both were named to reflect their parent company 20th Century Fox, the major Hollywood movie studio.

BTW, all of the traditional OTA networks now have their own cable and/or streaming news channels, with CBS and ABC only recently coming online. These are as free from Federal oversight as CNN and  MSNBC (a partnership between Microsoft and NBC).

Actually Lou, I wasn?t confusing Fox Entertainment with Fox News. There was a rumor going around a few years ago that Fox News was changing their designation to Fox Entertainment so they could lie without getting into hot water with the FCC. I did a little research and found that Snopes had investigated and found essentially what you said.
Great briefing today from Washington and the team.  For me, I'd rather hear from the leaders taking action, as opposed to the medias interpretation.  We can argue slants left and right, but at the end of the day, I want action.  I couldn't imagine a better team on this !


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