Leveling jacks

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Dutch Man

Nov 22, 2018
East Coast
Good afternoon people I have a 2002 31' Dutch star I bought it back in Feb so I didn't
  get a chance to try everything out. Today I tried to put the leveling jacks out and they will go out but will not retract
  when I press the up button I hear nothing but the down I can hear the pump, there is lots of fluid I'm thinking
  maybe something stuck from sitting any idea where I should ? camping season will soon be here. Thanks for now
The jacks are retracted using spring tension only. It's likely the shafts and seals are caked with dirt.

To get on the road bring along a 6' piece of 2x4 and after you press the retract button go around and pry each one up using the board as a lever against the ground - they'll come up easily.

To fix them, fully extend. Then, using a couple cans of WD40 with nozzle attached, push the nozzle up against the seals and squirt liberal amounts against the seals of each jack - you'll likely get lots of crud. When it seems like you have them clean, cycle full up (prying if necessary) then full down, then clean again. When there's no more crud, wipe off the jacks, spray with Triflo lubricant and try to retract. You should see a substantial improvement. Clean them every year or when you notice they are starting to get slow to retract again.
Thank you very much for the info so if I press the stow button they all should go up? I didn't no the springs bring them up.
I will do what you said with the 2x4.  Thanks again
Dutch Man said:
Thank you very much for the info so if I press the stow button they all should go up? I didn't no the springs bring them up.

Yes, they should retract within about 30-60 seconds depending on temperature. My previous rig was a Dutch Star and a couple of the jacks took over 5 min to retract when I first bought it (used). After cleaning they would retract in 20-30 seconds
The levelers on a Dutch Star may be double-acting, i.e. the pump both up and down. That's gives more control over leveling. It's a common feature on upscale models.  It should be fairly obvious if the jacks have springs - a quick look at the extended jack will tell the tale.

A double-acting jack has two hydraulic lines to each jack, feeding each end of the ram, so the ram can be moved up or down in any amount desired. Sounds like Dutch Man's vales for the reverse side are stuck closed. Could be just stuck in the mud, though.
Thanks guys for the replies mine has springs so I'm going to extend them all the way out and  then give them a good cleaning what
should I use to lube them up after I clean them?  Thanks a lot guys much appreciated take care.
WD-40.  The problem is not so much that the jack rams need lubricating as much as the seal where the ram goes int the jack dries out, and also dirt and grime get on the seal.  So the solution is to remove all the dirt and grime, and them spray the seal liberally with WD-40 and just let it run down the rams, and then retract the jacks,  If the seal is really dry you may have to spray it a couple of time with jacks extended and then retract the jacks.
Thank you very much for the info I will give them a good cleaning and give that a try.
    Thanks Again Take Care      DON
Hello again well the rain stopped so I put the jacks down all the way got some WD40 sprayed all around the seals
no dirt I was hoping for some but nothing I pressed the stow button and nothing all four are still down, so I found the manual
and it said what to do if they are down and won't go up open the valves did that and they went up so I think Gary rv is right the reverse
valves are stuck anyone know where I should start? sorry to be so long winded.  Thanks
PJ Stough said:
WD-40.  The problem is not so much that the jack rams need lubricating as much as the seal where the ram goes int the jack dries out, and also dirt and grime get on the seal.  So the solution is to remove all the dirt and grime, and them spray the seal liberally with WD-40 and just let it run down the rams, and then retract the jacks,  If the seal is really dry you may have to spray it a couple of time with jacks extended and then retract the jacks.

Do these types of rams have wiper seals?
The jacks with springs do not have reverse valves. To stow (retract) the jacks, the single valve for the "down" line is opened, which lets the fluid flow back into the reservoir and relieves the pressure so the springs can pull that jack up. Since you were able to put the jacks down, we know the valves work. That suggests a control problem, i.e. the control panel is not signally the valves to open.
Now we are narrowing things down I will take the control out and have a look at it tomorrow.
I will let you know what I find out.  Thank You very much 


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