LG VX6100 received photos question

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
What can we do with received photos? 

My wife is going nuts trying to use photos she receives of our new baby grandchild in Maryland.  she would at least like to carry the phone around and look at the pcitures from time to time or show them to friends.

The pictures come in from our son, we give them a unique file name, we save them, then we delete the envelopes from our inbox.  Then we can't find any pictures we just saved.  Isn't it possible to save received pictures locally on the phone?  We can save pictures we take iwith the camera phone nside the "gallery".  We expected to see pictures we received in messages, after saving them, in the saved pictures section, but it keeps telling us there are no pictures.  I hope they are not saved on the Verizon server.

Guess I need an education on how this all works before the Admiral divorces me over a camera phone.  Can't figure it out from the manual.
Well, I won't put a GoldStar (LG) product in my pocket after they tried to burn down the office where I was working (Thankfully a co-worker was quick with a fire extinguisher)  I've told this story before (Only microwave I've ever seen w/o a start button to protuct the device should you take the food out before the timer runs out.. A Goldstar)

However basically you have 4 options with those pictures

1: Save them in the phone (limited memory has it's drawbacks)
2: Delet them from pone
3: Forward them via e-mail to [email protected] (Note folks, not a valid address)
4: off-load them to a computer (not possible with all phones, many require special cables)

5: Get a Noikia phone.  Or a Motorola,  Or a Blackberry,, Or just about anything other than a LG or Sony/Ericcson (Though I would take a Sony/Ericcson before an LG, my problems with Sony/Ericcson brand are not dangerous but Sony corporate attidute and Ericcson sloppy construction (Every ericcson phone I have had had loose screws)
We use a program called Datapilot put out by Susteen to transfer photos from Sam's LG phone to the computer.  It is suppose to work with the Motorola I have but doesn't.  Susteen has not been the best at customer support on this item.  Datapilot also allows transferring your phone book to the computer and transferring it to another phone.

You may be able to get other solutions at: http://www.phonescoop.com/

Smoky said:
What can we do with received photos??

My wife is going nuts trying to use photos she receives of our new baby grandchild in Maryland.? she would at least like to carry the phone around and look at the pcitures from time to time or show them to friends.

The pictures come in from our son, we give them a unique file name, we save them, then we delete the envelopes from our inbox.? Then we can't find any pictures we just saved.? Isn't it possible to save received pictures locally on the phone?? We can save pictures we take iwith the camera phone nside the "gallery".? We expected to see pictures we received in messages, after saving them, in the saved pictures section, but it keeps telling us there are no pictures.? I hope they are not saved on the Verizon server.

Guess I need an education on how this all works before the Admiral divorces me over a camera phone.? Can't figure it out from the manual.

Yes Saved pictures are in the Gallery - is that what you mean by saved pictures section ?  Go to Menu-Camera Menu- Gallery
Smoky said:
What can we do with received photos??

Isn't it possible to save received pictures locally on the phone?? We can save pictures we take iwith the camera phone nside the "gallery".

I have never "received" a picture from anyone - so cannot vouch for their saving in your gallery once named. However, I do go back an forth to my computer w/photos with the same product Ron mentions, DataPilot. Earlier this year I began an evaluation of DP for the forum but go so busy I wan't able to complete it. However, in general terms, I have enough info that I decided to keep it. We discussed this last May in another thread.

I was comparing to the package Verizon sells at their stores (Mobile Office Kit MOK) to cable and do communication and phone book stuff. My conclusions were that the MOK has a better phone book, but DP adds extra features such as Ringtone Edit and Picture transfer that I find excellent. DP "does" allow drag and drop from other contact SW wich as MS Outlook. It's nice to be able to drop phone numbers, email address and such from Outlook directly to the DP phone book. Can't recall if the MOK has that ability.

I can move and edit any picture via file name to or from the phone - and that's why I looked into DP to begin with. Also, I have sized about 6 or so photos for wallpaper on the phone that I switch to when the last one gets boring - w/a few button presses on the phone. DP lays a 6100 template on any photo to crop it for full screen on the phone. It even does a PC sceen capture and edit if so desired.

If anyone goes to DP, they want to make sure the CD they buy has the current version. Earlier versions not only did not handle the 6100 properly, but couldn't be updated on line. If I recall, V11.0 or better is required to make auto updates work. If an earlier version (which my purchased CD was) Susteen has to send you V11.0 in total. My current is V15.0.

Also, during this process, I discovered that some Verizon stores do not update the firmware on the phone prior to a sale. I had to take mine back to have this done. If I recall, that was a problem also w/my using datapilor OR the Verizon Comm package.

Smoky, if you can find a Verizon store close at hand -- that might be your best approach to solving problems. It was for me. If I can't figure something out (the manual is the pits), I just go over there and have one of their techies explain or fix it for me.

So far the only pictures we can save to the Gallery, are pictures we take with the same camera phone.  If someonesends us a picture, we cannot find a way to save it to the gallery.  can you give us a step by step?  This is driving us nuts.

Do you know if Data Pilot will work with phones where Verizon has disabled the features? They disabled ring tones so you have to buy them from Verizon.


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