Light Switch Removal

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Metalman RVer

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2016
In the bedroom of our Glendale, we had one of lights go on us, a 10 or 12" fluorescent double fixture type in the center of the room, so I checked the bedroom fuse... all fine there in the panel, then we ordered a new 12v LED fixture & installed it; turns out it is not the fixture at all but somewhere before it.  I kind of wondered as the fixture just "went off" no dimming our anything, anyhow I wanted to pull the switch from the wall to check connections there but cannot figure how to unclip it from the wall & don't want to break anything.  Must be some tabs to push in that will release it? All other lights work in the bedroom & when the fuse is pulled none work so it is not the fuse. The switch only operates the one light in the center of the bedroom (the one not working) & that is on the same fuse as the other lights. See attached pic of the switch.


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I would think that the cover would just pop off. Take a look at this link.  There are 2 holes for mounting on the wall. They're not expensive if you break it.  You could also call the company which makes them and ask them.
(574) 262-1258
Ok, thanks for the replies on that.  I just didn't want to pry things apart & have the pieces fly!  I will check it out.
Yes, the faceplate popped off ok this time.  Just didn't want to pry & shatter things.  The problem was one of the terminals at the switch had come off in behind.  All good now!


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