Living in RV for extended period of time

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New member
May 22, 2005
Hi, my husband and I are thinking about purchasing a 5th wheel to live in for at least 3 - 5 years.? Any pros or cons to this idea?? We are in the military and have been notified that we will be moving at the end of the year.? Can anyone recommend any 5th wheels that would be suitable?? We are looking at 36 ft, no toy haulers, we are in the process of selling all our household items now.? Any other advice or helpfull hints would be welcome and appreciated.?

Hi Hydnmed,

Welcome to the forum. It is not only practical to live full time in an RV but many of us are doing it. It can be more difficult if you have children but for two people it is pretty easy as long as you really get along well. :) We have been living in a motorhome for 8 1/2 years and still enjoy it.

I can't recommend any particular 5th wheel but do know the Sunnybrook is a pretty nice unit. There are many out there and I'm sure you will get a lot of responses from those that have 5th wheels. Good luck in your endeavor. Hope you continue to ask questions here.

Hydnmed said:
Hi, my husband and I are thinking about purchasing a 5th wheel to live in for at least 3 - 5 years.? Any pros or cons to this idea?? We are in the military and have been notified that we will be moving at the end of the year.? Can anyone recommend any 5th wheels that would be suitable?? We are looking at 36 ft, no toy haulers, we are in the process of selling all our household items now.? Any other advice or helpfull hints would be welcome and appreciated.?

Welcome to the forum.

Yes, there are several members that live in their 5th wheels full time. We have a MH so I'll let the 5er owners fill you in on the pros/cons and makes and models.

Being in the military there is a yahoo group you might be interested in. Military Camping.? Lots of good information about military famcamps.

Hydnmed said:
Hi, my husband and I are thinking about purchasing a 5th wheel to live in for at least 3 - 5 years.? Any pros or cons to this idea?? We are in the military and have been notified that we will be moving at the end of the year.? Can anyone recommend any 5th wheels that would be suitable?? We are looking at 36 ft, no toy haulers, we are in the process of selling all our household items now.? Any other advice or helpfull hints would be welcome and appreciated.?

A lot of folks do that, especially in the heavy construction trades.  And of course the highways are full of retirees doing the same.  They total up about 2 million folks in all.

The trailer that you want is one that is suitable for full time use.  Trailers made for vacation use tend to be of lighter and cheaper construction.  Every manufacturers line should identify the units suitable for full time use.  They will be more expensive.  Don't not be tempted to go for the cheaper vacation models.  Given the unpredictable nature of military assignments, be sure to get a model adapted for cold weather.  Tank heaters, etc..

Items for info.  Interest on trailer loans that place a lien on the trailer  is deductable as mortgage interest as either a first or second home.  You should be able to get 10 year terms on the loan.  USAA insures trailers.  I have my policy with them.
Hydnmed said:
? Can anyone recommend any 5th wheels that would be suitable?? ? Any other advice or helpful hints would be welcome and appreciated.?

Hi Guys,
Go the Newcomers section of this forum and follow the thread? Two Wanna Bees.? Several recommendations have been made there.? I always recommend RV? Shows.? The Great North American RV Rally? is being held in Redmond Oregon? July 10 -13 and they will have lots of fifth wheel dealers with rigs for sale in one place.
Happy shopping,
Before you purchase any 5er be sure to check the warranty first.  Only a few support fulltiming in their coaches.  Most will void the warranty if used for fulltiming.

Check out:

Teton Homes
Open Road

There are a few more I can?t remember.  Other members can jump in with them.


While there are only a few manufacturers that state their units are for full time living it is possible to use just about any for the purpose.  If one understands the units are not the same as a house or apartment and treats them well, you can live in them comfortably.  Most of the furniture is of lesser quality than normal household furnishings.  Refrigerators are somewhat different and take more service and care.  While we spend only 6 months at a time in our travel trailer I expect it to last 10 or more years without any excessive expense.  Our last two were 12 and 11 years old when we got new ones.  Both are still in use by others.  Treat them well (as you do your wife) and they will last a long time. 
MDH and I lived in our rig - a 34.5 ft. Nationall Seabreeze Diesel MH this past year for nearly 5 mos of and on - 3 mo continually. We had with us our two Bernese Mtn Dogs - weighing in at around 80 lbs. each.

My husband is into digital photography, so he had plenty of space with his computer/printer, and other supplies to play. I'm into stitching and beading so that worked well. I must admit, by the end of the summer when I placed my last bead order, I had it sent to the house. The only space left, not being used was our cooler. <g>

We had plenty of room for our books and games, along with food, clothes, and the dogs' food.

We get along well and thoroughly enjoy each others company after 35 yrs of marriage.

I enjoy the general clutter that grows around us. It is us and who we are. I often think about our friends here at home and wonder  what they must think about the gadabout Smiths. Don't get me wrong - they are lovely people and dear friends. But each time as we pull around the corner and into the cul de sac on returning, I think of how blessed we are with such a wonderfal opportunity - to just go.

We just got back from a week in Arizona - a couple of days at the Grand Canyon. It was gorgeous, clear. Mule deer everywhere.

I have found myself thinking about full timing a bunch this past year. We just retired at the end of 2005 and have always wanted and planned to travel a bunch after retirement. Not sure we're ready to sell and go on the road full time - but must admit we really enjoy our long trips and flexibility when we're gone.

We love the quiet time together and my husband has taken up his life-long hobby of photography. Watching him work with that medium gives me great pleasure and a wonderful peace with life.

Not that this makes any sense I think, but just a piece of my mind about being in a rig for long periods of time.

Then there is the fun of coming home at the end of a 3 month trip to find the yard overgrown with weeds - Ugh! And the very best of having one's 2.5 year old grandson waiting with open arms. Now that's the best!



We're living full time, for three months now, in a Hitchhiker (Champagne) 38' Fifth Wheel.  We purchased it new and have had no problems at all with anything.

It's warranty does cover for full timing!

It was one of the more expensive ones we looked at but we're glad we stepped up.

Sure wish they'd had RV's and RV parks available back when I was in the service.  Great idea!

Good luck to you..., and thanks for serving!  :)


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