MDH and I lived in our rig - a 34.5 ft. Nationall Seabreeze Diesel MH this past year for nearly 5 mos of and on - 3 mo continually. We had with us our two Bernese Mtn Dogs - weighing in at around 80 lbs. each.
My husband is into digital photography, so he had plenty of space with his computer/printer, and other supplies to play. I'm into stitching and beading so that worked well. I must admit, by the end of the summer when I placed my last bead order, I had it sent to the house. The only space left, not being used was our cooler. <g>
We had plenty of room for our books and games, along with food, clothes, and the dogs' food.
We get along well and thoroughly enjoy each others company after 35 yrs of marriage.
I enjoy the general clutter that grows around us. It is us and who we are. I often think about our friends here at home and wonder what they must think about the gadabout Smiths. Don't get me wrong - they are lovely people and dear friends. But each time as we pull around the corner and into the cul de sac on returning, I think of how blessed we are with such a wonderfal opportunity - to just go.
We just got back from a week in Arizona - a couple of days at the Grand Canyon. It was gorgeous, clear. Mule deer everywhere.
I have found myself thinking about full timing a bunch this past year. We just retired at the end of 2005 and have always wanted and planned to travel a bunch after retirement. Not sure we're ready to sell and go on the road full time - but must admit we really enjoy our long trips and flexibility when we're gone.
We love the quiet time together and my husband has taken up his life-long hobby of photography. Watching him work with that medium gives me great pleasure and a wonderful peace with life.
Not that this makes any sense I think, but just a piece of my mind about being in a rig for long periods of time.
Then there is the fun of coming home at the end of a 3 month trip to find the yard overgrown with weeds - Ugh! And the very best of having one's 2.5 year old grandson waiting with open arms. Now that's the best!