Looking at new class A diesel pushers

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Active member
Aug 9, 2006
College Station, TX
I drove a Sportcoach and eliminated that one real quick.  I'm not far from Nacogdoches, TX where the Foretravel motorhomes are made.  I went to look at a used one and ended up driving a new Foretravel Nimbus and imediately started rationalizing the need to buy one.  This is a good chunk of money and I'm wondering what people think of the Foretravel and what else out there is in its class.  I'm not going higher in price but if someone has some ideas let me know.
No personal experience with them but have 2 friends that wouldn't drive anything else.  I've been to the plant and it's very impressive but a little out of my range.
No personal experience either.  Check resale values.  I don't see many in Tenn/Ga area.  I've seen a few in Fla.  Also check company history.  Didn't they recently go through a reorganization or something??  Any help out there on this issue?
Yes  I believe they did go thru reorginazation some time ago  Al least it was reported.  But many companies do that and come back strong.  Sometimes it's just a matter of getting better interest rates and sometimes it's for cheating purposes.  No sure what their situation was.  That's a hands on company and not an entry level unit.  Dig deep when you purchase new or used, from what I've seen .
jamesnaddie said:
? This is a good chunk of money and I'm wondering what people think of the Foretravel and what else out there is in its class.? I'm not going higher in price but if someone has some ideas let me know.

I think they are a  beautiful coach.  The interiors are simple yet elegant.  You may not see many of them as they don't manufacturer very many of them. I know of at least one couple who watches ads daily for the right  used one, as that is the only motorcoach they will consider.  They want the quality.  I recommend the best thing  to do when looking at a coach in that expense range is to attend an FMCA rally where you can test drive several coaches over the same  road course and compare apples to apples. It's like one stop shopping. The next International FMCA Rally is in Perry Georgia March 19, 20, 21, 22 ,2007 but  there are several area rallies before that  in Beaumont Texas, Casa Grande Arizona, Indio California and Brooksville Florida .  Look at  www.FMCA.com  for information .

Good luck
Betty Brewer
Betty Brewer said:
? I recommend the best thing? to do when looking at a coach in that expense range is to attend an FMCA rally where you can test drive several coaches over the same? road course and compare apples to apples. It's like one stop shopping. The next International FMCA Rally is in Perry Georgia March 19, 20, 21, 22 ,2007 but? there are several area rallies before that? in Beaumont Texas, Casa Grande Arizona, Indio California and Brooksville Florida .? Look at? www.FMCA.com? for information .

Good luck
Betty Brewer


What happens at a FMCA rally ? I've never been, are they similar to RV shows ? I looked at the site and there seems to be a lot of activities involved !  Are there many of manufactures represented at one of these rallies ?

There's so much going on at an FMCA rally that it's almost impossible to take it all in. Most of the RV manufacturers are represented and have lots of RVs on show. There are also lots of seminars laid on by manufacturers and vendors. Then there are lots of vendor booths where you can buy almost anything for your RV. Last but not least, there is some great entertainment (shows).

Well worth a visit, although we don't plan on attending another for some time. Once was enough to keep us going. We preferred the Monaco rally to the FMCA rally.

I think that the Foretravel is a great coach.  Our friends bought a used one a year ago and they love the thing.  The quality and workmanship inside is excellent.  They are "pricey".  Perhaps you could get a bluebook estimate on the value.

Tom said:

There's so much going on at an FMCA rally that it's almost impossible to take it all in. Most of the RV manufacturers are represented and have lots of RVs on show. There are also lots of seminars laid on by manufacturers and vendors. Then there are lots of vendor booths where you can buy almost anything for your RV. Last but not least, there is some great entertainment (shows).

Well worth a visit, although we don't plan on attending another for some time. Once was enough to keep us going. We preferred the Monaco rally to the FMCA rally.

Thanks Tom,

I've been waiting and searching for an RV show close by ,so we can see the different manufacturers and this pops up ! I believe we have just about every manufacture represented here in the Houston area, but you will spend weeks just driving to each lot ,traffic is horrendous! I told Cindy that the next show ,we would go see all of the coaches up close, so it looks like we might be going to the rally ! ;D

I think you'll enjoy an FMCA rally. So much to see and do. So many RVs to see, all in one place.
Kenneth said:
What happens at a FMCA rally ? I've never been, are they similar to RV shows ? I looked at the site and there seems to be a lot of activities involved !? Are there many of manufactures represented at one of these rallies ?
Ditto what Tom said.  I see the main advantage of an FMCA show if you are seriously shopping is that all of the motorhome manufactures are there.  They are often presenting their newest  "model." The  might even offer show specials on pricing.  Sometimes they sell so many and the dealers have accepted trade ins and you might find a  dealer who got, on trade exactly what you wanted. 
The second advantage of an FMCA Rally would be the seminars.  Most are big advertisements for a  product but if you want to know how a Dometic absorption refrigerator works you can sit in a one hour lecture, get a handout and be better informed than you were before you sat down. Almost any RV topic is discussed from black water tanks to braking systems to pots and pans. Plus we like the entertainment at night.  It usually starts early so you can still get up in time to go for coffee and donuts in the morning.  We have met many people at these rallies.  Rvers just want to have fun!
Foretravel manufactures their own chassis which might be a problem as far as service goes. I would ask them about that to see how that would be handled on the road.

They have had a great reputation for many years.
They were bought not too long ago, but I don't know what effect that has had or will have on them.

I have always liked them because they were smart enough to use an electronic speedomer I designed. (That was quite a few years ago, so don't holler at me if you have had speedo problems recently).
FMCA Rally: choose only the big 2 of summer and March for looking at coaches for biggest selection. The smaller rallies will not have anywhere near as many rigs to look at.

If you like Foretravel, also concider Country Coacha dn Monaco.
Note that non-members can only get day passes for FMCA rallies. That allows them into the coach display area and vendor sales tents, but not seminars or the evening entertainment.

Some of the larger FMCA area rallies (regional rallies) also have excellent motorhoe displays - the Souheast Area in Florida in February, for example.
RV Roamer said:
Note that non-members can only get day passes for FMCA rallies. That allows them into the coach display area and vendor sales tents, but not seminars or the evening entertainment.

Some of the larger FMCA area rallies (regional rallies) also have excellent motorhoe displays - the Souheast Area in Florida in February, for example.

I was planning on joining FMCA anyways, there are benefits to being a member I hope ?
The magazine alone is worth the annual dues.  You will have to lie a little if you want to join before you buy a motorhome, since they ask what make and model you own on the application. Nobody comes to your house to check, though.  ;)

See FMCA for information on membership, benefits, etc.
RV Roamer said:
? You will have to lie a little if you want to join before you buy a motorhome, since they ask what make and model you own on the application. Nobody comes to your house to check, though.? ;)

See FMCA for information on membership, benefits, etc.

Thanks Gary,

No need to lie , I am shopping for a new coach, I already have an old one? ;D See my avatar ? ;D ;D
"excellent motorhoe displays "

Careful that those hoe displays don't get confused with ho displays, motorized or not.



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