Looking for a nice RV park near Savannah and possible car/shuttle rental

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New member
Jan 26, 2013
Wife and I are looking at going to Savannah and looking around maybe for a weekend get away in our 33' MH so was wondering if anyone had a good idea where to stay at and if they know if there are shuttles/rental cars locations near by and big enough for big rigs as I am still a novice on the RV but i driven a Bucket truck for 20 years lol.,but perfer  not to have to back up because 2 vehicles can't fit on road  and i like to have room for my slide outs .Thank you ahead of time for any help/response.
Not sure what qualifies as "nice" in your estimation, but we have stayed at Red Gate Farm campground, which is close to the city proper, and also at the Skidaway Island State Park, much further out but quite pleasant.  No shuttle service that I know of, but you can probably arrange a rental car with pick-up.

The Biltmore Campground is the closest to the old city and I think one of the city tour buses does pick-ups there. I've never stayed there, so can't comment yea or nay.
We stayed here.  Was nice  and a short drive to Savanna


No shuttel service though. 
Enterprise will deliver to you. If you do drive downtown, parking is difficult unless you know your way around. Suggest going to the Visitors' Center and parking there. Take an on/off tour bus and you'll quickly find your way around town. You will discover that alking around the historic city district is relatively easy and fun.
Although I have not been there yet, from talking to other RVs on our recent trip Skidaway SP is very nice. We plan on going there later this year.

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