Looking to fulltime in a Winnebago

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Active member
Mar 20, 2012
I am looking for permanent living in a winnebago
They have alot of CL
Which models are good for long term living lets say 20 years old?


Edit by John: made subject more descriptive
You're gonna hear this a lot. Depends on your tastes and needs. At 20 YO, you want to take into consideration your ability to do some of the maintenance. That said, we live FT in a Chieftain 39T and love it. Best wishes and good luck.
If you purchase from Craig's list, know where the MH comes from.  There have been a lot of floods in the last few years and people making a lot of money selling flooded cars and RV's.

With that said we purchased our RV from Craig's List and are very happy with it.  Look at the sellers car, inside as well as out, if possible visit his or hers house.  You can get a idea how well the person takes care of his/her property.

You can get a idea about, the book by it's cover.

A good mechanic helps.

Good luck

I am still wondering of all the makes which is sturdiest
I have looked at American Clipper, Air Stream those are well built
What else is well built?
Hankhill said:
I am still wondering of all the makes which is sturdiest
I have looked at American Clipper, Air Stream those are well built
What else is well built?

I would take a serious look at used Foretravels.  All coaches have their quirks, issues, and maintenance needs.  Foretravels are generally considered sturdily built. 
John Canfield said:
Lazy Daze
Etc., etc, etc
Add Rexhall and Triple E to the list. Triple E has additional insulation for cold weather use.
The headliner material on a 20 year old Winn will be falling down.  The foam will be turned into black jelly. At least that is what mine did.

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