Low cost 3000w inverter xtremepowerus

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2018
Watertown NY
I just came across this on amazon
$599 for a 3000w inverter generator. All set for camping with a 30 amp rv plug! Claim 59 db @ 25% load. Claims 3.9 gallon fuel capacity, so should have a pretty long run time.
Not sure if they are any good, no reviews yet.
Anyone get one yet?
Looks like you can order from Walmart website for same price.
Would be a good value if it is reliable and lives up to the specs.
I see that they do not advertise the weight. If it has handles and wheels, it must be cumbersome to transport.

With the right equipment, it is possible to run a small air conditioner from a lighter 2000 watt generator.
A dB rating without stating the distance at which it is measured is meaningless. It's probably 0 dB at one mile, but if you are 15 feet away?  The more reputable manufacturers usually give a rating at 20 ft.

Rating dB at 25% load is maybe not so helpful either. In RV power usage, you are probably running at either 200-300 watts or somewhere around 1500-2000. 25% is 750 watts, so in between.

That said, it's a bargain price.  If your expectations aren't too high and the neighbors don't mind, maybe its an ok purchase.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
A dB rating without stating the distance at which it is measured is meaningless. It's probably 0 dB at one mile, but if you are 15 feet away?  The more reputable manufacturers usually give a rating at 20 ft.

Rating dB at 25% load is maybe not so helpful either. In RV power usage, you are probably running at either 200-300 watts or somewhere around 1500-2000. 25% is 750 watts, so in between.

That said, it's a bargain price.  If your expectations aren't too high and the neighbors don't mind, maybe its an ok purchase.

The db rating is taken at 23 feet (7 meters), which is the standard reading used by generator manufacturers. (found more specs on a different site)
Also Honda also used 25% load on their inverters for noise rating.
I stand corrected - 7 meters, not 20 ft.  Good to hear that this one does that, but in my experience, the off-brand generator manufacturers often don't follow common standards for sound level and some don't provide that info at all.

As for the 25% load, that may be perfectly reasonable as a general thing, but I believe RV usage tends toward the two extremes as I described. That's based more on my personal experience than any data, however. Of course, 25% on a 5kw or 10 kw genset is a whole lot different than on a 2kw or 3kw portable. That makes a difference too.

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