maiden voyage

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Mar 18, 2005
Hi all,

We recently purchased an Alpenlite 32RLOB trailer.  Just had it out for its maiden voyage.  Love it!!  Have backpacked, camped, etc., for years.  The last trailer was a TENT TRAILER!  A lot of fun but also a lot of work.  My husband has just recently retired, and I am semi-retired (I can see that I'll be retired pretty soon!). 

Would like any and all information on how to keep connected to the Internet and also satellite television.  We would like our "second home" to be just like our first home, which includes these wonderful things (DSL, DirecTV).  What would be the best way to do this??  Any and all information greatly appreciated. 


Congratulations on the new trailer and Welcome to the RV Forum and Framily.  Please join in any of the ongoing discussions or start a new discussion.  Thanks for joining us.

Some folks use cell phones to connect to the internet and others like myself use 2 way Satellite internet while others depend on wireless connections when they are available.  DSL while traveling just isn't available unless you want to get a DSL hooked up while parked and that wouldn't be practical.

For the TV, get yourself an extra antenna, a stand for the antenna, a length of coax and take your existing DirecTV receiver along. Alternatively, pay an extra $5 a month for a second receiver to put in the RV (This assumes you are already a subscriber).  With the antenna on a stand you will need to align it manually each time you set up. The alternative is to mount an automatic acquisition antenna on the top of your RV.  Manual alignment is fairly easy after you have done it a few times.

Also check out the "PC"s Communications, Electronics" section for previous discussions on some of these items. For satellite TV, my wife and I carry one of our recievers with us. I purchased a dish, tripod and "satellite finder" via ebay and it usually only takes a few minutes to get it set up now.

I think we are some of the last people on earth that still don't have cellphones, so I can't recommend anything there....and

Welcome aboard!!!
To save storage space and generally make life easier, get a thru-the-roof mount antenna for the tv. They are easy to self-install, raise/lower and adjust from INSIDE the rig, and stow flat on the roof without any disassembly. A large calibrated dial is used for Azimuth adjustment and a crank sets the elevation. After a few times, you can be tuned in and watching in less than 5 minutes with nothing more than a compass or a reasonable sense of which direction South is.
kkolbus said:
After a few times, you can be tuned in and watching in less than 5 minutes with nothing more than a compass or a reasonable sense of which direction South is.

5 minutes, I'm usually watching TV in less than 1 minute!  But I also recommend a crankup TV dish.  I find it's faster than the fully automated antennas and a lot less money.  The Winegard with the Elevation Magic indicator makes it a snap to set up.

>> I find it's faster than the fully automated antennas and a lot less money. <<

My TracStar antenna always has a signal, even when driving down the road.

At Yuma, AZ
Never shut the DirecTivo down, except when boondocking, and don't wear a watch.  I count to 60 :D
Thanks everyone for the advice.  There is an antenna on the roof which is operated from inside of the trailer.  We need to use the trailer and really find out what we will need.  We are taking off for a month in June-July for a real test.  Will get in a couple of long weekends before then.  My husband is retired, recently; I'm still sort of employed but soon to be NOT!  The one time we have used it there was cable TV hookup in the park.  What decadence! 

Former backpackers, slide-in camper, tent trailer and now the real thing!


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