Mail forwarding services

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked

Currently I use a comcast mail server and a CompuServe (classic) pop3 version email server.  Neither works for outgoing but both work for incoming.

I also got that google thing from Gary, but have not had a chance to try it out with Outlook yet.

What does the SKP email service cost?  I might try it this afternoon.  I also want to set up their mail service.  I get critical mail at my new MT address but do not want to overburden my sister in law when we are traveling, which will be most of the time.
Escapees email is free for members. ?Sign up on the web site. ?You get one free address, good for life, and can get additional addresses for a small fee. ?They have an ASMTP server so you can send mail via any internet connection, as I previously stated.

The mail forwarding service is exellent. ?While not free, it is very flexible as to how and when you have your mail forwarded. ?They will take instructions via phone or email. ?We've used them for over 8 years and are extremely satisfied with the service. ?They are the largest private mail forwarding service in the country and have their own presort zip code (77399). ?You can get the details on the Escapees web site.
Thank you Ned.  That was very helpful and I respond well to good help.

On the mail forwarding, will they agree to keep confidential my current whereabouts?

What I would like is a mail service that will forward mail to me on request at an address I specify, but not just hand out my current location to anyone who asks for it.

No I am not on the run, but I also look forward to finally ridding myself of spam and some miscellaneous annoying characters.  One of the interesting side benefits of fulltiming.
You get nothing but good help here.

Escapees will send your mail to you where and when you specify.  They do not give out your current forwarding mailing address to others.  Read about all the services available at the Escapees web site.  Could save you asking a lot of questions that are answered there and you'll get the latest information as well.
I ordered and MOK and and data cable from late Sunday night and the kit came in Thursdays mail.  $24.49 for the kit plus $6.95 for shipping.  The phone the data cable is for is a Verizon LG vx4400b.  Their web site said the kit I ordered was for that phone. 

The instructions were really as clear as mud, but after 2-3 tries installing software, removing software and re-installing software I got the data cable to work.  Of course the minimal instructions are much clearer now.  The Quicklink Mobile Phonebook installation would only respond with "not compatible for this phone" or some equivalent phrase.

The MOK comes with 2 CD's and a plastic carton containing the data cable and somewhat hidden in the center a 3rd CD.  The 3 CD contains the USB data cable drivers.  The first two CD's with Verizon logos on them contain: Disc 1 contains a driver for a Mototola phone (don't need or want this) and the "Phone Book Manager" software.  The disc is version (?) "vmt1001" and as I said the phonebook will not work with my LG VX4400b phone.  The second CD contains Verizon Wireless Installation and the disc is version (?) "ver1008".  I think that software loaded OK.

So I can use the data cable with my laptop to get to internet but the phonbook software does not work w my VX4400b phone.
Len and Jo:

Sorry your phone book not working.  At least you got the main stuff running!

The phone book is OK but not critical.  I did transfer a lot of stuff from my Outlook 2003 contact list to my 6100.  Now I am wondering if there is a way to transfer from my old Samsung 310?
Smoky said:
On the mail forwarding, will they agree to keep confidential my current whereabouts?

What I would like is a mail service that will forward mail to me on request at an address I specify, but not just hand out my current location to anyone who asks for it.

No I am not on the run, but I also look forward to finally ridding myself of spam and some miscellaneous annoying characters.  One of the interesting side benefits of fulltiming.


You may also want to look into FMCA mail forwarding. Other than postage, there is no cost to you. However, FMCA will not give you as many services as Escapees. It only sends you mail once a week (same day every week) to whatever address you designate, no address no mail. It won't check your mail for specific items as Escapees will. IIRC, you can have FMCA not forward junk mail. However, a lot of your junk mail should be eliminated by your current address forwarding to FMCA or Escapees, that was one benefit we found every time we used FMCA mail forwarding. To the best of my knowledge, no one ever got my address from FMCA mail forwarding but you can ask how they handle that issue.
Smoky said:
Thanks Bernie.? Not sure which way I am going to go re FMCA vs SKP.? I hope to find time to call them both today.

THe biggest drawback with the FMCA mail service is they only send out your mail one day a week which is determined by the first letter in your name.  With Escapees mails service they will forward you mail any working day of the week per your instructions.  We find this to be very helpfull since I can send an E-Mail or call and give them mail forwarding instructions to have the mail sent when we want is sent not when they want to send it.  Sure helps in planning mail pickups.

Ron and Bernie:

What Ron just explained is what I figured out yesterday, when I made the calls.  Bernie, as I recall you spend quite a few months in one place during the winter near Phoenix.  I would lean toward the low cost FMCA if I did that.  However, in our first year, I suspect we will be on the go a lot.  Even our 2 month sojourn in MT this July and Aug is in jeopardy, as the rally sirens are already singing to me.  ;D

I did not make a decision yesterday.

But today I am close. 

My thinking is to start out with the premium SKP plan because I am so inexperienced and do not want a major goof up involving mail.  with everything being new, from residency issues, to insurance, to taxes, to changing all my billing addresses, to all our friends and relatives adjusting to staying in touch with a pair of gypsies... I figure I would go with the top of the line, then figure next year if I could cut back.  My only remaining question  with SKP is how cancellation works if I decide to cut back later.

Also, I am thinking of starting this thing up this coming Monday.  This would give me a month to get all addresses changed, and even have them try sending some stuff back to me here before I leave MD, just to get used to the operation of it.

Does this make sense to you veterans?

Also how reliable is it to have SKP forward mail to campgrounds?  do the campgrounds act responsibly?

And how about forwarding to general delivery at a post office?  Does this work out well?  Is it preferable to forwarding to a campground?

I'm not an SKP and I don't use their mail service, but I've talked to and observed many folks who do. If forwarding to a campground (which I've had a neighbor do for me), it's plain courtesy to call the CG ahead of time and ask if it's OK. Some CG's have a policy that they won't accept mail for campers.
Aye Tom for sure I would not forward ever any mail to some place I had not checked with first.  Even  US Post Office or a relative.
Smoky said:
Bernie, as I recall you spend quite a few months in one place during the winter near Phoenix.  I would lean toward the low cost FMCA if I did that.  However, in our first year, I suspect we will be on the go a lot.  Even our 2 month sojourn in MT this July and Aug is in jeopardy, as the rally sirens are already singing to me.  ;D


Neither of the mail forwarding services work well for short time periods. When we use FMCA, we may be gone 5 months straight, from late April to late September. The timing and delays of starting and stopping mail forwarding from a fixed address exclude it's use when we're mostly home during the winter. When we use FMCA forwarding we are constantly traveling, never in one place more than a week. It's a choice that I threw out at you and you have to decide whether the additional features of SKP's service is what you want, not whether we stay home in the winter. No sweat, just whatever makes you comfortable.
Smoky said:
Bernie, as I recall you spend quite a few months in one place during the winter near Phoenix.  I would lean toward the low cost FMCA if I did that.  However, in our first year, I suspect we will be on the go a lot.  Even our 2 month sojourn in MT this July and Aug is in jeopardy, as the rally sirens are already singing to me.  ;D


Neither of the mail forwarding services work well for short time periods. When we use FMCA, we may be gone 5 months straight, from late April to late September. The timing and delays of starting and stopping mail forwarding from a fixed address exclude it's use when we're mostly home during the winter. When we use FMCA forwarding we are constantly traveling, never in one place more than a week. It's a choice that I threw out at you and you have to decide whether the additional features of SKP's service is what you want, not whether we stay home in the winter. No sweat.
You doubled there Bernie.

I agree it sure won't work for an overnighter or maybe even 3 days, though SKP allows a choice of FEDEX or UPS. 

But here is one situation which suggests SKP.  My ship day with FMCA is Friday.  If I arrive at a campground on Saturday, and THEN decide we like it so much we will stay for a week, I can put in a call to SKP.

Or if I am anxiously waiting for a letter from the IRS (lets hope not)  I can call SKP, have them go through the mail and then read me that letter over the phone.
Smoky said:
You doubled there Bernie.


Sorry, I forgot to close spell check and then sent it regular delivery and spell check deliver later when I saw it still open. :D

I agree it sure won't work for an overnighter or maybe even 3 days, though SKP allows a choice of FEDEX or UPS. 

But here is one situation which suggests SKP.  My ship day with FMCA is Friday.  If I arrive at a campground on Saturday, and THEN decide we like it so much we will stay for a week, I can put in a call to SKP.

Or if I am anxiously waiting for a letter from the IRS (lets hope not)  I can call SKP, have them go through the mail and then read me that letter over the phone.

That's why you pay those big bucks for the SKP's service  ;D ;D
LOL, and you are right Bernie.  We finally decided to fork up the $200 plus this year while we are inexperienced.  I'd like nothing better than to decide next year we can save that money and use FMCA.

Normally I would try it the other way, but mail seems just to important to make a mistake with during the first year of fulltiming.
Smoky said:
LOL, and you are right Bernie.? We finally decided to fork up the $200 plus this year while we are inexperienced.? I'd like nothing better than to decide next year we can save that money and use FMCA.

Normally I would try it the other way, but mail seems just to important to make a mistake with during the first year of fulltiming.

I might suggest that you start out with the basic SKP mail service which does not include sorting out bulk mail.  We have used this level of service for years and it has worked very well for us.  I believe the annual cost is less than $100 bucks.

We do get some junk mail but not much.  Any junk mail I receive I check to see if they include a too free number.  If they do I simply call and request they remove my name from their list.  If I get more from them I simply clutter their toll free nbr and let them know why I am calling them so often till I get across to them to remove my name from the list.

Works for us very well

Basic is now $185.  It has the following fees to get started:

Category A
Annual Fee = $85
Postage Deposit = $50
Enrollment Fee = $15
Cancellation Fee = $35
For a Total of $185
* All mail received is forwarded first-class
* Rarely receives packages (Limit 12 per year)
* Seldom needs special services (1 per month. Each additional service is 50 cents)

Then the next two:

Category B
Annual Fee = $105
Postage Deposit = $50
Enrollment Fee = $15
Cancellation fee = $35
For a Total of $205
* Request certain classes of mail
* Frequent packages (up to 20)
* Occasional special services (1 per week free. Each additional service is 50 cents.)
* Receive 1st class mail only, or receive 1st class and only certain classes of mail such as magazines, newspapers, newsletters, or catalogs.

Category C
Annual Fee = $125
Postage Deposit = $50
Enrollment Fee = $15
Cancellation Fee = $35
For a Total of $225
* First- and third-class mail sent at different times
* Requests special mail sorting
* Large volume of packages (20 or more)
* Requires mail tub due to volume of mail
* Unlimited special services

I was thinking unlimited special services would be nice for just another $40.  At least for our first year while we get used to all this.  then maybe by the second year we could drop back to Plan A or even use the FMCA.

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