Masks now required in Oregon

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Tom and Margi

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Anyone traveling in Oregon right now should be advised that masks will be required in all public places as of July 1, 2020 by order of the Governor today.
Thanks for the heads up Margi. Hopefully, folks carry masks on their travels, for those occasions when they're needed. We have a box of masks sitting on my desk behind the driver's seat (and in our cars).

We've been required to wear masks in our home state/county for some time, and we automatically put them on whenever we exited the coach on last week's short (3-state) trip. We're also automatically wearing them during our 3-month stay here in Wyoming, although most locals and some transients are not.

I noticed that the Flying J/Pilot stations we stopped at have modified signs that now say "No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service".
I just read of a Party.. Family. No masks, Lots of close interaction.  Two family members abstained (stayed away) and are still healthy.  ONE was sick  18 are now.

It's not a mask. It is an expression of love for your neighbors.  (Meaning everybody).
In Delaware you have to wear a mask when entering any public place. I wear a mask when I go to physical therapy, grocery store, gas station, etc. I certainly do not consider it against my Constitutional rights. Just something we do to protect others.
We are at our summer home in western North Carolina where masks are required in all public places (and we happily comply).  The local restaurants are doing a fabulous job at maintaining social distance at both tables and their bars, so we are able to dine out regularly. Very few customers make any trouble about it either, perhaps because it's a small town atmosphere where most people politely get along with each other.
How do you dine with a mask on? They are suggested here but not mandatory, British Columbia relies on education not heavy handed enforcement and it seems to be working. A local pub requires the staff to wear them but not the customers. I hate them, my glasses fog up ;D
Wear your mask in and when your seated 6 feet away from other diners, you take off your mask.  Such a small thing to do to keep everyone safe. 
As a seamstress I have made over 100 masks, giving them away to friends and family plus a few organizations. I just can?t understand the resistance of some people to wearing them! They aren?t terribly attractive (though I have some made out of fun fabrics), but if they keep your neighbor from getting sick, why not? Your doctors and nurses wear them for hours on end in surgery; why do people think you will die due to lack of oxygen wearing one for 30 minutes?
Aye Pam, Chris answered the call from our local farming community who needed masks for their workers.

FWIW our daughter works in a dental office and has commented on (not complained about) the additional PPE they have to wear.
I regularly hear "I hate wearing a mask", but it's sometimes hard to judge whether the speaker is just using a much overworked verb or really feels strongly about it. Certainly a mask is not my favored fashion & comfort accessory, but my emotions about it don't rise to "hate".  My eyeglasses and hearing aids aren't my favorites either, but they help me and the people I come in contact with in our daily interactions. Seems a worthwhile tradeoff to me.
Our church services started up 2 weeks ago and after the first Mass someone complained about wearing their mask "for a whole hour". My wife, a nursing instructor, politely commented "try 10 hours".
Masks have become a political issue.  I wear one whenever I'm  out in public. There, now you know my political leaning. Such nonsense. We wear the masks to stop the virus which is not red, blue, green, or any other color. It just kills.
I started this topic has a simple heads up to anyone about to travel in Oregon.  We fully support the Oregon edict to wear masks in all indoor public places.  If anything, the Board of Directors in our home, Timber Valley SKP Park in Oregon, imposes stricter rules.  We comply, not only because we're all of a "certain age" here, but because it's just the right thing to do to protect others.  When travelers from out of state arrive here in Timber Valley, they must self-quarantine for 14 days.  I hope political comments do not destroy this post.
UTTransplant said:
As a seamstress I have made over 100 masks, giving them away to friends and family plus a few organizations. I just can?t understand the resistance of some people to wearing them! They aren?t terribly attractive (though I have some made out of fun fabrics), but if they keep your neighbor from getting sick, why not? Your doctors and nurses wear them for hours on end in surgery; why do people think you will die due to lack of oxygen wearing one for 30 minutes?

Wow,I?m impressed.  I?ve made about half that.  Quite a few for the Fire Dept.  they wanted masks with ties.  I made elastic over the ears for myself but I?m not happy with it.  It?s too skimpy and needs more chin coverage.  I want to try some of the contoured,also.  Mine and the surgical masks ride up to my eyeballs,even with a nose wire.

Just curious if you have any good pattern sources.
I too " mask up" when out in public, no matter the state. Yep it is harder to breathe, so my shopping trips to grocery stores are cut drastically short!  I've also noticed that when one sense is  denied( smell/taste)  others follow with  deficits.  It is hard for me to hear  while wearing a mask. Maybe I was reading lips? And my vision seems distorted  with fog of mask.

I'm  not complaining just stating what I  experience. This pandemic is not a piece of cake for any of us!    I'm massively washing my hands and want it all to end. I don't have to like it to comply. I am in " that age group."  Yet younger folks seem to be contracting virus readily.  My  biggest  concern is for Covid 19 virus  restrictions is that they  be  applied with fairness.  Why  do some big box stores get a pass? Asking for a friend!

I believe in the power of prayer and  pray daily  for an end to the  suffering for all concerned in this pandemic.  Guess I'll "mask up" whenever I'm out and about no matter the state. Thanks for the Oregon heads up! 
Required everywhere in MD.  We went to IHOP today for the first time in months.  I had just come from a fasting blood draw so was hungry and we still had errands.  Paper menu,fewer listings.  I didn?t ask if you can order other things.  Kind of wanted the Cinnistak,but better for me not too. 

Individual salt and pepper packs.  Plastic cups for a serving of syrup.  Nothing kept on the table.  Every other table closed.

I don?t know if I want to take the camper anywhere.  I can?t see where prices are reduced for the reduced amenities. 

Stay clean,sanitized and safe!
Pugapooh said:
Wow,I?m impressed.  I?ve made about half that.  Quite a few for the Fire Dept.  they wanted masks with ties.  I made elastic over the ears for myself but I?m not happy with it.  It?s too skimpy and needs more chin coverage.  I want to try some of the contoured,also.  Mine and the surgical masks ride up to my eyeballs,even with a nose wire.

Just curious if you have any good pattern sources.
I will send you a PM.
This forum allows those with different points of view including politics to voice their opinion on issues that effect all of us.

Regarding masks, no one likes them but they reduce spreading the virus. I do not wear one out side when I can stay 10' away from people like walking my dog or riding my bike but I always wear one in a store but some don't. My wife enjoys cooking so wearing a mask in a restaurant is not applicable for us but I feel bad for those business owners and employees who have been dealt a very unfair hand at absolutely no fault of their own.

I appreciate those who commented on the need to protect others when you wear a mask. However, by wearing a mask you are also protecting yourself from breathing in infected respiratory droplets from infected people who breathe, sneeze, cough, speak, talk loud, or sing. As others have noted, covid-19 has the sole job of infecting any host that is available and doesn't care about the politics of those it infects.
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