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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
St Cloud Florida USA
Matthew is heading straight for me. The roads are all clogged solid and there are no empty hotel rooms for 500 miles. I am stuck here.
Geez, that sucks Tom.  Hope you can anchor the Motorhome somehow and then "hunker" down 'til Mathew passes.

Good Luck and "hopefully", stay safe.

Tom,  stay safe, I don't expect much from Matthew down here but I don't know about your area. As long as it doesn't make a turn, you will be on the west side so I don't expect much for your area. The NE corner of the hurricane is the most dangerous where you get tornadoes and really destructive winds. Getting another feeder band right now with rain and am expecting a very wet afternoon.
I am expecting it to be pretty bad. I realize we are on the right side of the hurricane but they are still predicting 100 mph winds in our area.
We are in West Melbourne,near I95 almost right in the path. We will be staying in the house with the MH in the side yard between two houses. It survived in 2004. If the MH survives we will be OK on power with the 7.5 kW generator. The water tank and fuel tank are full and enough food for a few days. The house has a new roof and hurricane rafter tie downs.

The 2004 hurricane was really scary so this one may be worse. I definitely don't want to be in the MH during the peak of the storm. We were in a storm about 10 years ago in South Dakota and  that was enough for me.

It shouldn't be too bad in St. Cloud. Being in the MH might be a little scary but should be safe. Good Luck Tom.

Cold hard cash.

Get it NOW while you can. If it hits big, then cash is the only thing that will help you get anything. When the power goes down, no one takes any kind of credit, debit or check. And of course the black market requires cash only too. So get it while you can.

I am refugee from the coast, searching around for campsites in north central SC cause many evacuees were smart enough to book up all the camps first.

Good luck to all our members in or near Mathew's path. Stay safe!
You and the cats are in our thoughts and prayers, Tom. S.  Keep us updated with forum messages as long as you have power.  Stay safe as possible!
There's got to be a shelter near you. That's a pretty populated area. I know it would be rough for you to replace everything in your home, assuming the worst happens, ( it won't- gotta believe)but it would be rougher for us to replace you. Get to a shelter, we're praying for you and others being affected.
UPDATE, So far feeder bands with lots of rain for short periods of time with wind gusts to 40mph. I believe the center is a little north of us now. The TV news of course is trying to get people to panic but this is not my first rodeo. 100mph winds in your area I doubt but you never know. Remember your MH is designed to go down the road at 80mph. The office there should be able to sustain 100mph easily.
I am playing it safe. I moved me and the three cats to a very well built hotel in downtown Orlando. Pricey but better than being in the middle of a disaster.
SeilerBird said:
I am playing it safe. I moved me and the three cats to a very well built hotel in downtown Orlando. Pricey but better than being in the middle of a disaster.

Good thinking Tom. I'm surprised you were able to find a room.
Looks like the county says to leave.

"Osceola County declares mandatory evacuation for mobile homes due to storm
Osceola County declared a mandatory evacuation for residents in mobile and manufactured homes, RV parks, campers and campsites Thursday."
judway said:
Looks like the county says to leave.

"Osceola County declares mandatory evacuation for mobile homes due to storm
Osceola County declared a mandatory evacuation for residents in mobile and manufactured homes, RV parks, campers and campsites Thursday."
It was obvious to me this morning that that was going to happen. The storm kept moving closer and closer. They were predicting 120 mph winds in Osceola for tonight.

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