Mexico Dental recommendations

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
A schoolmate friend of mine is asking about dental recommendations for implants and has contacted me because he has heard about the low rates and excellent service provided by dentists across the border.

Since he will be traveling across from the southeast US, I am guessing that any of the border towns will do, especially those near the eastern end (Arizona and New Mexico).  I have some familiarity with Algodones but not with implants.  Who can recommend a Mexican dentist who has done excellent work with implants?  If you have telephone number and address that would be helpful.  Please feel free to add any other infor that you would believe would be helpful to my friend.  My friend is not an RVer.


I went to Mexico last year for dental work and left without having anything done. Implants are not cheaper in Mexico, at least with the doctor I went to. They are $1600 apiece in the US and $1600 apiece in Mexico. The labor would be cheaper in Mexico. However I was extremely unimpressed with the Mexican doctor and decided to have the work done in the US instead. The Mexican dentist was going to put me on a schedule that would have meant 4 trips to his office over a period of a year. The American dentists do it in one or two trips within a week or two.

In Las Vegas there is a dentist called Affordable Dentures that has prices that are comparable to Mexico, there is also a dentist in Helper, Utah that is also comparable.

Very sorry to hear about this.  I will pass this info on to my friend.

Was this in Algodonez that you checked?  Anyone else have experience with implants in Mexico?

Are rates for other more routine dental services still less expensive in Mexico?  How about eyeglasses?

Smoky said:
Was this in Algodonez that you checked? 
Yes it was. Several people on this forum recommended Dr Alma Luna. So I called to make an appointment and she doesn't do dentures so she referred me to her brother. l was not impressed with him at all. One of the things that really turned me off was he took x-rays and then gave me an estimate that he had written on a Post-it note. One of those two in square yellow pieces of paper using very tiny writing. He did not give me a copy so I had no real clue what he was talking about since his English is not that good.
Jolene got eyeglasses in Las Algodonez, (Las is important to the GPS,) reasonable, but not huge.  We plan on going to Nogales later this week.  BTW, I found a US place, Dayo Dental in Phoenx that handles dental places in the 3 major areas, Nogales, Algodones and the middle one?  They had prices posted, so you don't need to go all the way there and decide against.
If nothing else, get the fish taco and a Corona in the market.

Also, I didn't find liquor much cheaper, I bought a big bottle of Bombay Sapphire, and later realized it was not that much less. 
A schoolmate friend of mine is asking about dental recommendations for implants and has contacted me because he has heard about the low rates and excellent service provided by dentists across the border.

Since he will be traveling across from the southeast US, I am guessing that any of the border towns will do, especially those near the eastern end (Arizona and New Mexico). I have some familiarity with Algodones but not with implants. Who can recommend a Mexican dentist who has done excellent work with implants? If you have telephone number and address that would be helpful for the dentist in bethpage recommendations. Please feel free to add any other infor that you would believe would be helpful to my friend. My friend is not an RVer.


What are some important factors to consider when looking for a dentist who can provide dental implants, and how can you go about finding a reputable dentist in your area or in another country, such as Mexico?
My wife had an implant in England. That was about 2012. She thinks it was bout $1,000. Due to bone loss she had to have it removed this year. It was about $600 to have it removed.
Maybe go to American dentist you trust for a treatment plan first. Get a quote and tell them you will sleep on it. Go to Mexico and find a dentist that has USA training and request a treatment plan without letting them on to the fact that you already have one. Compare the two and then you'll have an idea of what's going on.
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Maybe go to American dentist you trust for a treatment plan first. Get a quote and tell them you will sleep on it. Go to Mexico and find a dentist that has USA training and request a treatment plan without letting them on to the fact that you already have one. Compare the two and then you'll have an idea of what's going on.
I've had several procedures done in Mexico, haven't encountered a Dr. who didn't attend medical school in the US. In my opinion the facilities, staffs and service was superior to anything I've experienced here. Of course Mexico is a big place and it's not monolithic, your mileage may vary.
This thread is 11 years old so you may not get many replies. I can recommend dentists who use a laser to cauterize the jawbone after extraction. The laser causes a larger increase in the extraction site in the jawbone which provides a better base for an implant. I've 2 of my 4 implants done this way and you can see a big difference in the x-ray. But laser dentistry costs more. In my area a dentist charges $2100 vs laser done by an orthodontist is $4500 for an implant.

After 12 years I've had no problems with any of my 4 implants. Just have to keep them clean to prevent gum disease and related bone loss. I'm having extractions for overdentures done now. Which is a denture held down with snaps installed on 2 implants in the front. They never come loose and you can eat steak again. Just snap them out to clean and snap back in. Because they don't move around they rarely need relining. Just a free adjustment to the snaps every few years.

Unfortunately my implants are all in the back so I will need the 2 new implants in the front. The total cost for overdentures is $11,500 over 2 years and sounds like a lot. But my insurance pays $2000 per year so my cost is $7500. My wife had her old dentures turned into overdentures with 2 implants 6 years ago and she loves them.
What are some important factors to consider when looking for a dentist who can provide dental implants, and how can you go about finding a reputable dentist in your area or in another country, such as Mexico?
Chris has had several dental procedures in Algadones, one of which required referral to a second Doc. Both Docs were trained in the US, and Chris was very happy. The last procedure was good for a number of years. However, when she recently needed a replacement, she found out that they originally used an "inferior" material, but she's not complaining.
I have family members in the San Diego area that cross into Tijuana for dental work. Their dentist accepts their USA dental insurance and there are no co pays. They are happy with the work.

Me, personally, use my local dentist and pay US prices but I haven't needed any implants yet. I have Delta Dental HMO (comes with my Medicare Advantage plan) so that reduces the costs somewhat.
What are some important factors to consider when looking for a dentist who can provide dental implants, and how can you go about finding a reputable dentist in your area or in another country, such as Mexico?
If you are talking Algodones I have had good luck with Apolonia dental Dr. Salazar. Lot's of US training with his training proudly displayed in his waiting room.
A schoolmate friend of mine is asking about dental recommendations for implants and has contacted me because he has heard about the low rates and excellent service provided by dentists across the border.

Since he will be traveling across from the southeast US, I am guessing that any of the border towns will do, especially those near the eastern end (Arizona and New Mexico). I have some familiarity with Algodones but not with implants. Who can recommend a Mexican dentist who has done excellent work with implants? If you have telephone number and address that would be helpful. Please feel free to add any other infor that you would believe would be helpful to my friend. My friend is not an RVer.


Here is a Dentist I have been going to for my implants and am very happy with the work. Edeza Dental Group- Dr Sonia M. Edeza Morales
A schoolmate friend of mine is asking about dental recommendations for implants and has contacted me because he has heard about the low rates and excellent service provided by dentists across the border.

Since he will be traveling across from the southeast US, I am guessing that any of the border towns will do, especially those near the eastern end (Arizona and New Mexico). I have some familiarity with Algodones but not with implants. Who can recommend a Mexican dentist who has done excellent work with implants? If you have telephone number and address that would be helpful. Please feel free to add any other infor that you would believe would be helpful to my friend. My friend is not an RVer.


Here is the dentist I have been going to for my implants:20230408_162233.jpg
A schoolmate friend of mine is asking about dental recommendations for implants and has contacted me because he has heard about the low rates and excellent service provided by dentists across the border.

Since he will be traveling across from the southeast US, I am guessing that any of the border towns will do, especially those near the eastern end (Arizona and New Mexico). I have some familiarity with Algodones but not with implants. Who can recommend a Mexican dentist who has done excellent work with implants? If you have telephone number and address that would be helpful. Please feel free to add any other infor that you would believe would be helpful to my friend. My friend is not an RVer.


This is the dentist I go to and have had good experiences with the implants. 20230408_162233.jpg
This thread is 11 years old so you may not get many replies. I can recommend dentists who use a laser to cauterize the jawbone after extraction. The laser causes a larger increase in the extraction site in the jawbone which provides a better base for an implant. I've 2 of my 4 implants done this way and you can see a big difference in the x-ray. But laser dentistry costs more. In my area a dentist charges $2100 vs laser done by an orthodontist is $4500 for an implant.

After 12 years I've had no problems with any of my 4 implants. Just have to keep them clean to prevent gum disease and related bone loss. I'm having extractions for overdentures done now. Which is a denture held down with snaps installed on 2 implants in the front. They never come loose and you can eat steak again. Just snap them out to clean and snap back in. Because they don't move around they rarely need relining. Just a free adjustment to the snaps every few years.

Unfortunately my implants are all in the back so I will need the 2 new implants in the front. The total cost for overdentures is $11,500 over 2 years and sounds like a lot Smile Vegas Dental. But my insurance pays $2000 per year so my cost is $7500. My wife had her old dentures turned into overdentures with 2 implants 6 years ago and she loves them.
Hey, Any recommendations for a decent dentist that doesn't charge too much? Flexible on AZ location. Got mad toothache so need a diagnosis and treatment (probably filling). Thanks!
Hey, Any recommendations for a decent dentist that doesn't charge too much? Flexible on AZ location. Got mad toothache so need a diagnosis and treatment (probably filling). Thanks!
I've been going to Dra. Virginia Castro in Algodones and I'm happy with the care I received from her and her associate Dr. Juan Flores. Chose them totally at random 20+ years ago. It's a small office that's clean and well maintained. Still have all of my own healthy teeth at age 70 so they must be doing something right.

Actually almost any dentist in Algodones will give good service. Fillings, X-rays etc. are done in the office but for crowns, etc. the actual fabrication is farmed out to a central lab that turns things around fairly quickly (a day or so). You can get a listing of the Algodones dentists, etc. here. Molar City, Los Algodones, Mexico - The Dental Capital of the World.

There's free dispersed camping and the Pilot Knob LTVA at the next exit west on I-10 and a new RV park on the US side of the border within walking distance of the crossing. Last I heard it was $50 a night or $200 a week for full hookups. Sleepy Hollow RV Park - Winterhaven, California

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