Michelin Tire Discount

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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2017
Whitefish, MT
Let me begin by saying this is not intended to be a complaint or snivel session about Michelin, FMCA, WIT or any other avenue to the  Michelin Advantage program. My motivation to write this story is to help others who have never used the program but had high hopes for it. 

BTW,  did find a thread on this subject but it was several years old and the forum suggested I start a new topic.

We bought our motor home about 15 months ago and I knew the tires were pretty close to being aged out.  So I had planned for the last year that I would go to the Michelin Advantage program through FMCA and get my tires at a significantly reasonable discount. The short answer is that when the dust settled I am getting approximately a 6.6% discount. When you consider all the hassle and phone calls and juggling and searching for somebody that would actually install the tires on the motor home, this simply was not worth it to me.

We all are offered discounts so frequently these days that 10% has, in my mind, become 'retail'. If its not more than 10% it scarcely allows me to even pay attention to it with most purchases. Granted, 10% on six MH tires would be a pretty reasonable discount it would certainly be something I would seek. Come to find out, the convoluted program not only requires the participating dealer to order the tires from Michelin using your credit card but you don't even get a clear indication of the exact price you will be charged before doing so.

I did get a list from FMCA a showing the price of the tire but the dealer couldn't confirm that that would be the actual cost. What the price does not reflect is federal excise tax, shipping and, as I knew, all the install and balancing labor costs. What surprised me on top of all of this is that Michelin actually dictates exactly what the dealer must charge for their labor to install it. In my case, that labor was significantly more than what they told me up front their own labor cost would be for those installs.

Bottom line:  I'm not sure if the experience was more disappointing or frustrating but for 6 1/2 % I would have never bothered. My time to make it all happen was simply not worth it. Your mileage may vary but I just wanted to share my experience in the hope that it helps somebody else who might have had an expectation like mine, i.e., thinking they were going to get a significant discount on the purchase.

Some tire models get a steeper discount than others, so "your mileage may vary" applies here.

As with most things, you should shop around a bit to validate whether the claimed discount is worthwhile, or even as good as you could get elsewhere.  You should also consider other brands, whether in the same price/quality tier or lower.  The best known or most popular brand names are seldom the most effective - they have little incentive to discount deeply.
About five years ago we used the FMCA discount on Michelin tires.  There were no problems as the dealer we bought them from carried them.  We didnt save as much has we have been led to believe by reading posts about how big the discount was, but in the end, after deducting the cost of one year of FMCA membership, we saved about $150. 
I got Summitomos for about 2100.  I added 4 Alcoa wheels and all the goodies to make them work and look good and still paid less than a set of Michelin?s.  Including shipping, tax, and mounting.

Not a Michelin fan.
There was a Forum member here a few years ago, who worked in the tire industry in a fairly high ranking position, as I remember. He was providing another Forum member with some tire purchase advice, and what he said really made sense to me. He said Michelin is indeed a very good brand, and a lot of their tires will roll more miles than many competitor's tires, but many competitor's tires will last just as long (chemically) as a Michelin tire. He said, if you're buying tires that will wear out from miles, it's hard to beat Michelin, but if you're buying tires that will wear out from age, any decent brand will last just as long as Michelin... and likely cost a lot less

I deal with a lot of truckers on a daily basis. The only reason they run Michelins is because of good mileage. Many I have talked to also own motorhomes and say Michelins are a waste of money on a motorhome. They age out well before wearing out as opposed to a tractor trailer.
Kevin and KG.

Good information. Glad to see it.. So my purchase of TOYOS is good because NO Way will I wear out the tread.. I'll need new tires in 7-10 years no matter how many miles I drive (About 3,000 a year though I'm hoping to add a few more thousand in the coming year if nothing else breaks.)
I went with the Toyo's for the same reason stated above.  $2,500 installed and balanced for 6 tires on my DP.  I had an option of a much more expensive Michelin tire ($4,000+) but the only advantage was a longer tread warranty.  With our travel habits I expect the tires to age before I would put on too much tread.

This is a good thread and thank you.
Yonder - Thanks for starting this discussion.  I am looking at used RVs to avoid the steep depreciation and this discussion is very helpful for anyone looking at tire age/replacement.
I appreciate the comments. I wonder what the actual anticipated mileage on one of these tires for a DP is?  I may wear the tread out since we drive a lot more than most.  We did 15k last year and that is pretty normal for us when we had the 5er considering we have family all over the country and the fact that we travel for work sometimes too. Still not happy and if I had it to do over again, after hearing the comments here, I would go with a different brand.
FWIW FMCA now has discounts on Hankook tires, in addition to Michelin.  We need four drive axle tires and I've been very pleased with the Hankooks I have on the steer axle.  The FMCA website has the "discounted" prices for the various models and sizes of Hankook tires.  The price appears to be slightly above the price I can buy them for at my local dealer!  I don't think Hankook tire prices are nearly as "controlled" as are Michelins.
John From Detroit said:
I priced Mitchlin's at around 3500 plus install

Toyo.. 2300 out the driveway.

I priced a lot of different tire brands in anticipation of needing new ones next year. It seemed that down here in SW Florida, the best price I could find on Sumitomo tires, which is what is presently on my coach, was about $2550 plus tax and disposal fees, and Michelins in my size - 235/80 - would run me anywhere between $4500 to $5500. Until I dropped in on the largest dealer in town who sells only Michelin and sells, per their service advisor, for cost plus installation. I was quoted $425 per tire, or $527 installed, plus tax and disposal. Final price out the door will be $3670.

To avoid the possibility of price increases and since we won't need new tires again on this coach before retiring it, I decided to get the tires this year instead of waiting when I heard that price.
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