Mobile Satelite Internet

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New member
Dec 24, 2006
I've been researching this for a week of two.  Here's my situation.  I"m going to be traveling alot to remote places kayak fishing.  The only way I'll be able to effectively communicate is via satelite.  From what I've determined I want a portable (not foof mounted) system so I can move the dish away from trees and other obstacles.  So I need to know where to go from here.  I'm presently in NJ.  Thannks

An alternative to a roof mounted dish is a tripod mounted one. They're the same dish and use the same modem inside the RV. All the setup and dish alignment on the tripod will, of course, be manual. We have a HughesNet certified installer on the forum, but he's currently a long way from NJ. However, he might be able to offer suggestions on where/how to contact another installer. Click here for contact information should you decide to contact him directly.
It sounds like the tripod mounted system is the only practical solution for you. The antenna, along with the pre-mounted buc (a term they use for the transmitter/receiver), must be attached to the top of the previously set up surveyors tripod. It's not light, but can be done by one person. Then a double coax is connected between the antenna and the modem. By use of your computer, the firmware inside the modem will tell you the direction (azimuth), elevation, and skew for your particular zip code. Using a special compass and an OPI (basically a signal strength meter), you adjust the antenna to pick up the satellite you're assigned to, and peak the signal. Aside from setting up the hardware outside, finding the satellite, peaking the signal, and finally getting online can be done in 15 minutes or less after you've done it a few times.

Just curious: I've heard of trout fishing, bass fishing, salmon fishing, etc. but not kayak fishing. How big do the get and what kind of bait do you use? ;D

2 bigger questions.  How do you cook them and do they taste a little rubbery?  LOL
Well, I'll tell you how to get a Tripod Satellite system the easy way

Step one: Find a message on here from RON with the phrase "Rons' internet solutions" in the sig file

Step two: Contact Ron

Step Three: Send check to address Ron will provide

Step Four: Meet Ron IN Quartzsite or some other place.

Step Five: Receive tripod, dish, modem, cable, training, and so on.

Step six: Pay monthly bill from Hughes, (That is also step seven through xxxxx where xxxxxx is a very large number)
"Just curious: I've heard of trout fishing, bass fishing, salmon fishing, etc. but not kayak fishing. How big do the get and what kind of bait do you use? "

After you clean them there really isn't much left to eat. ;D

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