Montana LLC Insurance Carriers

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
Any one done the LLC and secured RV insurance have a recommendation ????
I used  Aka New Horizons.  Contact Mary.  Did me great and backed me up when the State of ILL and an Indiana dealer screwed up.  They are top notch in my book
I guess I wasn't clear. I'm trying to find an insurance carrier who will cover a Montana LLC at resaonable cost. I have a quote from one carrier and its double my present coverage I.e 2500 vs 1200.
Sorry I misread the statement .  I have State Farm insurance  Not familiar with any other not sure if they Insure  without you having a homeowners policy with them.  Sorry.
blueblood said:
I guess I wasn't clear. I'm trying to find an insurance carrier who will cover a Montana LLC at resaonable cost. I have a quote from one carrier and its double my present coverage I.e 2500 vs 1200.


Try the Good Sam carrier, GMAC, but you'll have to have the quote go thru Good Sam or Camping World.
BernieD said:

Try the Good Sam carrier, GMAC, but you'll have to have the quote go thru Good Sam or Camping World.

I've all ways had GS GMAC and called them. Unless the young man I was talking to didn't know what he was talking about he said they only write personal policies.

Shayne said:
Sorry I misread the statement .? I have State Farm insurance? Not familiar with any other not sure if they Insure? without you having a homeowners policy with them.? Sorry.

I have SF on cars didn't think to call them. They were all ways non competitive on the motorhome.  However, I check them in morning.

I did get the quote I have from American Assurance reduced to ~$1900 so it's looking better. Thanks
My home base is ILL  We have 2 Lincolns and 98 PaceArrow that run collectively for $1900 a year for all 3
Shayne said:
My home base is ILL? We have 2 Lincolns and 98 PaceArrow that run collectively for $1900 a year for all 3

2000 Tracker with SF (less than 7500 miles/yr) in SC~ $  525
2005 Chrysler with SF                                    in SC~ $  800 
2006 Dutch Star with GMAC                          in SC~ $ 1300 

Fairly high limits and newer vehicles the SF rates here in SC seem OK. The MT rate being ~$600 more is what I'm trying to see if I can improve. The Best rating of SF is A++ whereas American Assurance is A and that is a concern as is likely support level in case needed.
blueblood said:
I've all ways had GS GMAC and called them. Unless the young man I was talking to didn't know what he was talking about he said they only write personal policies.



GS wrote my policy thru GMAC. I guess the young man you were talking to didn't know what he was talking to.
I do not have an LLC, but I physically moved to MT while buying in the east.  My original home state permits someone to buy locally and move without paying the tax if you have your new home established first (they require the MT driver license as proof) and if you do not have a residence locally for more than 6 months the year you move.  This varies from state to state.  It is another alternative to the LLC tax avoidance if you are willing to sell your house and move.  Has the advantage of better government cceptance and less legal problems than the LLC.  The disadvantages of what I did are obvious - a life changing move.  ;D

But my point is I doubt the LLC is causing you the added expense rather it is the location in MT.  We found MT insurance rates to be higher than most states.  Never could figure out why.  I would think an LLC would give you a better break than me as you would not actually spend much time in MT nor would it be your offical personal residence.

The rates in MT are high because of a few things, untill recently it was legal to have open containers of booze in the cars while driving, window breakage is high as the roads are gavel and/or sanded with not finely screend sand.  :-((  In addition, DUIs are allowed to continue driving all too often.  On top of or because of the previous the accident rates are very high.  Per capita mileage driven is high along with high speeds, 85 is not uncommon around here!!

It all adds up to higher insurance rates.  I'm sure there are more things but these are the easy ones.
Aye Jim.  I recall years ago, there were some roads with no speed limits at all.  This past year, after returning to Montana as a bonafide resident, I did not see any of those non posted roads.  I guess Montana has tightened up a bit.  A little more tightening and maybe rates will start coming down.

The reason the spped limits in MPH went away was the Feds threatened to with hold money if they were not posted as they are now.  There were always speed limits of "Reasonable and Proper" but the Feds didn't like those!  :-((
Smoky said:
Aye Jim.  I recall years ago, there were some roads with no speed limits at all.  This past year, after returning to Montana as a bonafide resident, I did not see any of those non posted roads.  I guess Montana has tightened up a bit.  A little more tightening and maybe rates will start coming down.


Illinois, as well as Montana and a few other states, had state speed limits of "reasonable and proper" unless posted otherwise before the 1960s gas crunch. When the Federal government imposed the national 55mph speed limits all states were forced to comply. When the 55mph limit was rescinded, most states, including Illinois, went to numerical limits, but there were some holdouts like Montana. As Jim said, it took the threat of withheld federal funds to force compliance with numberical limits.

It is unlikely that we'll see much tighter enforcement or lower limits out west. One of our 50 dwarfs in the AZ legislature has introduced an increase in the speed limit on country Interstates to 85mph :eek: :eek:
>>It is unlikely that we'll see much tighter enforcement or lower limits out west. One of our 50 dwarfs in the AZ legislature has introduced an increase in the speed limit on country Interstates to 85mph  <<

Sounds good to me!  It should definitely improve the gene pool!!  VBG

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