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Jul 7, 2007
I have introduced myself before, but wanted to add an update. We traded in our popup about 6 wks ago for a 2008 Montana 3400RL due to my husband being diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 46. We didn't know and still don't  know how much time we might have. But then again, no one does. Well, after we got our camper, we have been camping about 4 out of the last 6 wks. The other 2 wks. my husband has had chemo and recovering from it before taking off to the campground. We have been staying close to home, incase we need to get to the dr. in a hurry.  We got great news about 10 days ago, he had a scan that showed the inoperable tumor in his left lung was no longer there! WE are so happy.This is the first good news we have gotten since his diagnosis in April. I don't know you guys well, but still wanted to share this after reading Shaynes' ordeal. Good for you Shayne, the worst is over.
We have a child in school, but plan on going somewhere every chance we get til school is over in May, then we are planning a cross-country trip, for the summer. We will travel the southern states to California and the northern states on the way back. I'm even working on talking him into home-schooling our daughter so we can take off now. Haven't had much luck with that.
My husband worked almost every day, before he got cancer, now he wants to take the camper and go. You never know what tomorrow will bring, so we are trying to make the best of every day. And camping is the best way we can think of to do that.
Leah in KY
What wonderful news !!! Hang in there and enjoy every day, relaxing in your Montana with your family. Hugs and prayers are headed your way, too.

Great news and we wish you and your husband the very best.  We hope and pray the positive results continue.  Congratulations on the Montana too.
That's wonderful news!  Miracles DO happen!  I hope you have many many happy camping days.
Thanks to all, we will gladly accept all the prayers that come our way.
What good news!! You and your family are being added to our prayer list.

Best regards,
Jack and Liz Pearce

Your post just proves that none of us never ever knows about tomorrow.  This is why I so enjoy the RV lifestyle.  We all need to live every day as if it is our last.  I'm sure you know that philosophy  more than most of us!

Get out and keep  enjoying that rig.

What a great turn of events.  I hope it continues to be that way and y'all can truly enjoy a lot of time seeing everything.  Take care.
We certainly have had alot of prayers go out for Jack, even from as far as Thailand. You can never get too many.
We have such a beautiful country that you could spend a lifetime exploring it. That is certainly what we are hoping to do.
You have certainly been blessed!  I think God gives us all a wake up call now and then.  It sounds if just getting away from it all in your RV may have had a lot to do with it.  Good luck and many happy years ahead........Enjoy every day of every one of them!
Thank you, we will do our best. Live is short, the older you get the faster it goes and it really is true. When I was young a day seemed like a week. now a week seems like a day.
I like the clock I found in CW catalog, that points to days of the week instead of hrs. I like that about camping, thats all you really need to know. And sometimes I do forget even that. Then you know you are really enjoying yourself.

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