MotoSat NomadSD Controller

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MotoSat is back in business and their Web Site, while sparse in content, does have their Contact numbers.  Their Web Address is "".

While I am here let me relate what has happened.  In August of this year I returned my NomadSD to MotoSat to be repaired just before they shut down operations and moved to a new site.

Was not able to test the Controller until I got on the road to Florida.  The Dish (SlimLine 5 HD for DirecTV) would search forever and not lock-on the Satellites.  The Dish would get to the correct position and "dither" (move back and forth, up and down and tilt) around that position but never "lock-on".  I could turn the Controller off at that time and watch TV with out problem.

I called MotoSat yesterday and they were adamant that the Controller was working because they tested it before they returned it to me.  Their thought was that it was either the COAX between the Contoller and Dish or a loose motor in the Dish assembly.  Went up and COAX and motors were fine, did lube the Drive Chains while up their.

Before the Controller failed I had loaded SD-2 Software on my SD-1 Controller by mistake and it worked great for several years.  This morning I reloaded SD-2 Software (V-123) replacing the SD-1 (v-3000) and the dish Searched and locked on almost immediately.  I had better Signal Strengths than when I would manually turn-off the Controller.

I haven't heard back from MotoSat since emailed them this morning explaining what I have done.  Shall keep you posted on their assessment and replies.
The MotoSat story is in the General board of  MotoSat as we knew it isn't in existance any longer.

Basically the MotoSat assets were bought by an investor and the former Motosat principals have formed another company.  The new investor will supposedly continue to support MotoSat's legacy products.
John, thks for the reply, was able to get a good email address from the MotoSat DataStorm Forum.  MoSat has still not responded, doubt they will.

I could call them as i am interested in why my Controller works correctly with the Incorrect Software and works incorrectly with the Correct Software but it is apparent that they prefer to disconnect themselves from the MotoSat Legacy Products.

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