My story

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Active member
May 20, 2013
Hello RV forum, I was sure I joined years ago, but maybe another one. Anyway I like to read others storys weather bad or good, and to learn anything new I can.
Well we picked up our new to us 2001 holiday alumascape 32 footer on May 31st. Wifes birthday, towed it to our property in Eastern Washington with our ole trusty 95 F-350 crew cab dually. We have Towed our other 5th wheel and hualed campers (on our 3rd one) and flat towed our Jeep cj-5 all around this state. Sometimes we would have issues, and sometimes everthing would be great. In life this happens. 
Well after having the heater core go out on our way to pick up the trailer. Replacing the rotors for the second time, It seams like our poor ole truck is getting tired. We bought it in 2000 with only 70,000 + miles and now it only has around 106,000 on the odometer. This shouldnt be getting tired, but it drank a lot of gas trying to go up Snoqalamie pass, and out of Vantage it stuggled. My poor baby, we loved this truck. boo.
Last week we started to look for a replacement, and Ill tell you whoa are they expensive. Looking on the internet, wife stopping by a ford dealer, we kinda found a possible canidate. Of course we had to go look at it, just look and not commit. Even discusing the difference on capacitys between the models, what could we live with.

(this will have to continue at a later time, lunch is over)


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