Need help on stopping question marks in emails sent out.

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Bill N

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2014
Ozark, Missouri
Here lately it seems that every email I send out has question marks preceding and following almost every sentence.  I even forwarded a message this afternoon in which I did not enter any new info and the recipient says she has a message full of question marks before and after every sentence.  HELP please.
HP Pavilion Computer, Windows 7.

Bill, what do you use to compose/send emails? e.g. I use the Mozilla Thunderbird email client. Some folks use other clients and some use a web browser. Who provides your email service?
The question marks are almost surely simply undisplayable binary characters. Many email clients (or browser, if using webmail) put question makrs on the display if the bytes of data contain gibberish rather than ASCII text characters.  The question, of course, is where is this gibberish data coming from?

Need the answers to Tom's question to get started.
Tom said:
Bill, what do you use to compose/send emails? e.g. I use the Mozilla Thunderbird email client. Some folks use other clients and some use a web browser. Who provides your email service?
I also use Mozilla Thunderbird and have for many years but this ???? stuff just started a month or ago.  I did not notice it until I received replies which also quoted my message and there it was in my message.  At that time  I was blaming the sender but I forwarded a message I received today to my wife and she told me those questions marks are in the message I forwarded (which I did not compose).

Edit:  That smiley face in my message took the place of three question marks so I guess I am being spooked by something.
Google found a number of discussions on this topic. Here's a recent one (with a possible solution):
Tom said:
Google found a number of discussions on this topic. Here's a recent one (with a possible solution):
Thanks Tom.  Gonna try those fixes and see what happens.  Will report back.
Bill N said:
Thanks Tom.  Gonna try those fixes and see what happens.  Will report back.
It appears that the problem has been fixed if the two test messages that I sent are any proof. Same messages as sent yesterday that had the problem do not have it today. Thanks again Tom.  I would never have found that answer.


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